You see his soul leave his body and the jacket deflates as there is nothing there now. You weep for the changed man. His sacrafice for you so you could beat his father. Something deep inside of you snaps and you fly into a feral rage.

Y/n: He was your Son you peice of shit!

Ps: And he chose to die!

You run at him and tackle him into the ground repeatedly punching him in the face. He grabs your hand and throws you into a fountain. Blood trickles from a cut on your head but you carry on. You push hik to the ground and two pink lightning strikes blast him in the chest. You look and see Drift and Vi rushing towards you.

V: You ok?

Y/n: Yeah.

Fade rifts beside you guys and grabs your shoulder. Perfect Shadow stands up and walks slowly back towards everyone.

Y/n: How do we stop him?

F: Use a powerful Rift on him.

Y/n: I have hardly any energy left.

Fade gets behind you and places him hands on your back and you feel a sparking sensation. You feel more energy flood into you as the sparling continues. Drift does the same thing with Vi and the both of you look at them with confusion.

D: It's time to pass our power down to new users.

Y/n: Vi hold him back while I rift him.

V: Ok!

She blasts him with a powerful blast of lightning and he gets pushed back. A massive rift cracks the sky open and begins to pull stuff in. Perfect Shadow befins to get on his knees and plead.

Ps: Please I can five you anything, piwer, riches, my kingdom, amything!

You power the rift up and he begins to be tore apart by its power forces. He screams as his body gets tore apart and ripped from this dimension. The rift brightems and you begin to feel wozy. The last thing you remember before blacking out is the bright flash of rift illuminating the island....

*a few days later*

You wake up and raise up super fast. Your in a hospital room amd you call out to Vi. She rushes in and immediately wraps you in a bear hug.

Y/n: Think you can get me put of this bed?

V: Sure can.

You stand up and walk out the door into the waiting room of the hospital. Drift, Fade, Catalyst, Swift, and Rox are all there. They all run to you immediately and they all take turns hugging you. You see a little girl sitting in one of the chairs holding Kondors jacket and blades.

She sniffles and wipes her nose of the sleeve of her jacket. You walk over to her and bend down on your knee and look her in the eyes.

Y/n: Are you ok?

Vi grabs your shoulder and shakes her her head. Telling you not to talk to her. You pat her on the shoulder and walk out of the hospital and are suprised by what you see. A whole cherry blossom forest amd japenese style buildings.

Y/n: What happened here?

V: That rift you made pulled a whole ancient japenese village onto the island.

Cherry petals dance from the tree and your immediately reminded of Kondor. The sky is clear and the air smells fresh once more.

Y/n: How long are rebuilding efforts gonna take?

V: Ok so get this, the rift also seemed to reverse all the damage Perfect Shadow caused. Weird I know.

You hear children playing and the sound of cars and trucks running.

Y/n: What about the dead?

V: They didn't come back...

You hand your head and feel tears roll down your face. Your breath hitches as you sob and you bury your head into Vi's hair.

V: Hey what's wrong?

Y/n: I beat him, its a victory to us but still a lose to people the people who died or their family.

V: You cant save everyone, the ones who you did save will forever be grateful. Now its been a long couple of weeks lets get some rest and relax.

*that night*

You get drawn outside and hear voices. Several of them, very familiar, then it strikes you. You see them standing in the light of the moon. Mother, Father, and your little brother.

F: You really did it son.

Lb: Didnt think you had it in you nerd. Haha just kidding.

M: Were proud of you son.

Y/n: Thanks you guys.

Their figures wipe away in the moonlight and you stare up at the stars gazing into the sky. Vi walks up behind you and wraps her arms around you. She stares at the stars with you and you look deep i to ger eyes as the stars reflect off of them.

Y/n: I love you Vi.

V: I love you to Y/n

You kiss umder the canvas of the night sky letting the time slip away in a breeze.

Fox Clan (Vi x Male Reader) (Smut)Where stories live. Discover now