Chapter One

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"C'mon Richie, sweetie, it won't be that bad." His mom assures him. "Yeah, whatever mom." Richie rolls his eyes and packs the rest of his shit and walks out of the room. "Hey little bro, you ready to go soon?" Mike turned to Richie who had just got downstairs. "Yeah...I'm worried what will happen if I don't make friends again." Richie sighs and takes out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. "Richie, it's not gonna be that bad." Mike frowns, he wishes Richie would stop smoking, but he can't control what his little brother does. "Yeah ok, that's what they always say." Richie breathes while putting the cigarette in his mouth. "Richie?" Mike stared at his brother. "Hm?" Richie questions. "Will you ever stop smoking?" Mike frowns. "I dunno. Maybe. It kinda depends on what my future is like." Richie sounded miserable. "You won't have a future if you keep this up!" Mike was genuinely worried about him. He didn't wanna lose him to a pack of cigarettes and a damn lighter. "Whatever. Most people smoke to enjoy it, and y'know what?" Richie turned to Mike. "What?" Mike furrowed his eyebrows. "I smoke to die." Richie says, turning back to face the TV. "Richie...I know it's tough, but you'll get through it, I know you better than you know yourself." Mike had a worried expression on his face. "Mhm..." Richie groans. "Even if no one but me believes in you, that's ok. You don't have to believe in yourself even. As long as you have someone." Mike grabs Richie's hand. "I love you. You're my little brother and my job is to keep you safe." Mike smiled faintly and let go of his brother's hand. "K. Whatever." Richie rolled his eyes.

A few minutes later, their mom came downstairs and asked, "Are you guys ready to go?" She tried to act excited, she and their dad were just as miserable and addicted to drugs as Richie. Mike was the only one stable and was able to carry his family. "Yeah..." Richie sighs. The funny thing is, their mom knew exactly what Richie was going through and what he truly needed, but the just decide to ignore it, saying, it's just a phase, you'll grow out of it. Frankly, that's what Mike wanted to believe. Mike works a full-time job to help make money for the family,  for Richie to go the college, get Richie a therapist. Basically, anything he possibly could to help his little brother. "Mike, we're leaving now!" Richie called out, coughing badly. Mike knew it wasn't good for his body, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Once they got the the airport, Mike said goodbye to Hawkins one last time. He said goodbye to his friends. The hardest was saying goodbye to his boyfriend, William Byers. "I'm gonna miss you, baby. I promise I'll text and call you as much as I possibly can!" Mike kissed his boyfriend goodbye and off they went.

I know this chapter was short and mainly focused on Mike, but I'll try to focus more on Richie is future chapters! 😅

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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