~Chapter 1~

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Zenitsu walks along with Nezuko, Tanjiro, and Inosuke. The beast is asking Nezuko and Tanjiro to fight him constantly, to which they both angrily answer no.

Zenitsu is nervous looking around. This place was beginning to remind him of his terrible dreams he'd had lately. They were probably just nightmares, though.

Yeah, they were just nightmares.

Nezuko smacks the back of his head gently. "Stop zoning out on us, Zenitsu!"

Nezuko was rather confident, her brother's politeness and kindness to a lesser extent with her own charisma. A scar covers her left eye, with a slash through the eye itself. That was the only physical sign she has from the demon attack that killed her and Tanjiro's family.

"Sorry Nezuko-chan!" He smiles at her slightly. He had a small crush on her, if he was being honest. Not that he would ever tell her that. She was far too beautiful and perfect.

Suddenly, a scream echoes out through the mansion they were about to visit. The four exchange glances, then run inside.


The group had been separated while fighting different demons of the lower twelve demon moons. Nezuko and Tanjiro stayed together, as per usual, and Inosuke had disappeared after another. Zenitsu finishes slaying the demon he was near, putting pressure in the large wound he had on his arm now.

Two screams, a female and a male. Zenitsu recognises the voices, and there is a furious yell from Inosuke somewhere in the building. Zenitsu sighs, running towards the source of the noise.

The yellow haired male arrives, then stares at the scene before him. Tanjiro is on the floor, snarling. Tears are falling out of Nezuko's eyes, while she begs Tanjiro to snap out of it. And, walking away from it all...


Zenitsu freezes up. It was exactly like his dreams. He hesitates, his hand brushing against his sword.

And Muzan walks away without being stopped.

"Zenitsu! Please, help me!" Nezuko's desperation is shown in her voice. The boy shakes his head, breaking out of his anxious trance. He jogs over to hold down Tanjiro's legs.

Nezuko looks so upset. She clenches her eyes closed, and hits the back of Tanjiro's head with the butt of her sword, knocking him out.

Inosuke races in to see the scene. He pauses, taking in everything from behind his mask. Then, he screams like normal.


Word count: 401

I promise the next chapter will be longer! The first chapter just is here to set the situation

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