Nya! Chapter 1~New School New Beginnings!

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Rai's POV

"Nice to meet you.." I stated confidently out as I bowed politely.

It was my first day at Seiyo High. My mom got a new job, so I moved here. It doesn't seem too unpleasant. Friendly faces fill the classroom. I might.. actually like it here.

Or I might jinx myself.

"Wow.. " the boys and girls whispered.

"Furukawa is from America," Mr. Nikaidou said. "Let's make her feel welcome, okay?"

"Okay..." the class responded. I went to sat down in my seat. To my right, a bubble gum colored haired girl was lost in thought. To my left, an innocent, beautiful, gleaming long blonde haired girl looked over to me and smiled.

"I'm Mashiro Rima. Nice to meet you, Rai!" Rima greeted.

"Thank you, the same to you, Rima," I replied.

"Flip to page 23 in your books please," Nikaidou said.

~After class~

"Ey, ey! Did you hear about the transfer student?"

"Fingerless gloves! Is that an American thing?"

"It's so cute~"

"And her straight brown hair!"

"Wow, isn't it?"

I ignored the gossip. 'It's like this for every school...' I thought. Then I bumped into someone.

"Ow.. Oh, sorry.."

"It's okay, are you hurt?"

"I'm fine."

I looked up. "Oh, you sit next to me in Teacher Nikaidou's homeroom, right?"

"That's right. I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Hinamori Amu," Amu said with a warm smile.

"I'm Furukawa Rai," I replied and smiled back.

We walked down the hall together, while chatting.

"Wow, so you're from America? What's it like there?"

"Well..., we don't have school uniforms except for some private schools. The people there are really nice too, just like here."

"America.. That sounds really cool. No uniforms?"



~After School~

"Bye, Rai!" Amu called out.

"See ya!"

As I walked home, I smiled to myself. Yes, two people in one day!!!! Amu and Rima! Yessh! I thought to myself. I whistled a happy tune.


"Oww..that's the second time today.."


"Eh?" I looked around. Nobody was there.. Nothing. I remember seeing a flash of black though..

Sigh. "I'm home!" I called out as I took off my shoes. "Welcome home!" my parents said.

I jogged upstairs, washed my hands, and leaped onto my bed.

"Ahhh.... comfy.!" I said with joy. "Your mom's home!" Grandpa called. "Okay!" I replied. I went back downstairs to greet my mom.

~After Dinner~

"Ughh.. I'm stuffed."

Suddenly, the tv broadcasted this crazy ugly woman, who wore too much lipstick in my opinion, apparently having her say these spells. "... blah.... blah.... If you say these words, I assure you. You'll become who you are destined to be. Who you really are."

"Hah, this is just a bunch of crap." I looked around my room and sighed. "I'll just... try it."

I looked through my window. Great Grandpa. Great Grandma. God.

I clasped my hands together.

"Everyone.. If you're there and you can hear me, please. Please give me the courage.. the ability for me to change.. into who I really am. The real me.." I whispered.


"Ikuto? What.. what are you doing? Are you okay?" Yoru asked. "I'm fine, I just bumped into somebody on the way here," Ikuto replied. Yoru smirked and looked to the sky. "Ikuto, Ikuto! Look, a shooting star!" Ikuto glanced at the sky, grinned, and said slyly, "Embryo. The Embryo..



So that was chapter 1. Based off my dream. Yep, I dream, daydream, and constantly think about..

My Mental Life With Ikuto. And dont you dare say I dont have a life cuz I do! And its filled with ikuto!


Btw, i dont hate tadamu or whatever tadasexamu is... its just that i like amuto beter ;)

Luv ya!

Peace, Love, Happiness.

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