(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟑) solutions of lies

Start from the beginning

"It was a surprise to hear his name again" Athena answered, "the circumstances however are not something I'm pleased about... painting him out to be a criminal yet again"

"That much can be expected" said Dumbledore, "I was worried you may try and find him"

"It crossed my mind" Athena shrugged, "Aurora told me not to, said I'd get myself locked up"

"That much could be true" Dumbledore nodded, "it would not be a wise choice to go searching for Mr Black"

"How'd he get out?" Athena asked, "I thought it was impossible to escape Azkaban"

"I thought it was too until I heard the news" Dumbledore replied, "I'm afraid I don't know how he did it... maybe it has something to do with his... doggish personality"

Athena looked up in surprise. She'd forgotten that Dumbledore knew that Sirius was an animagus. She was the only one who knew. The marauders always thought themselves to be so clever sneaking around however Dumbledore nearly always knew what was going on in his school.

"Maybe but then there's Sanders too" Athena pointed out,

"That is true"

"Harry asked me about him but I didn't get time to answer"

"What did he want to ask?"

"Whether Sirius Black was after him, he overheard Mr and Mrs Weasley talking about it"

"He was bound to ask questions at some point which is exactly why I wanted to talk to you"

"You're going to tell me that I can't tell Harry the truth, aren't you?"

"It's for his own good" Dumbledore replied, "otherwise I fear that he may go looking for Black and that is the last thing we want"

"So I have to lie to him?" Athena frowned, "I said I'd never lie to Harry"

"I know but it's advisable" Dumbledore continued, "I'm only trying to keep him safe"

"Of course you are" Athena muttered bitterly, "what do you want me to tell him? That a mass murderer is after him?"

"Tell him that he has to remain safe" Dumbledore told her, "there's no need to scare him"

"It sounds like that's exactly what you're trying to do" Athena laughed, "remain safe suggests there's something to be scared of"

"It's also best that he doesn't know that Sirius is is godfather or why he was arrested"

"Just make a list of lies why don't you?" Athena glared at him, "do you honestly think you can keep this from Harry forever?"

"Not forever no" Dumbledore shook his head, "however he is only thirteen years old... I don't think telling him now would be a wise choice"

"Right" Athena muttered, "so I have to lie to Harry about nearly everything, anything else?"

"Yes actually there was one more thing" Dumbledore sighed, "as you know, Harry is entering his third year which means that he will be able to go into Hogsmeade"

"Yeah" Athena nodded, "I know that"

"He will come to you to get his permission slip signed" Dumbledore continued.

"I expect so"

"You can't sign it"

"What?" Athena frowned in confusion, "why not?"

"It's not a good idea for Harry to go into Hogsmeade this year" Dumbledore continued.

"There isn't any danger, Sirius isn't a threat to him like everyone says he is! Harry is safe from him and you shouldn't stop him from visiting the village based on a bunch of lies"

"It's not just that" Dumbledore said gravely, "the dementors have a very negative effect on Harry. They feed on people who have been through a lot... easy victims"

"So Harry should be barred from Hogsmeade because of the dementors, that doesn't seem fair"

"Of course it's not fair but it's the best solution for the time being" Dumbledore explained, "I know you will be tempted to give Harry what he wants but it won't end well"

"Great" Athena muttered, "so I have to lie to my godson and deny him from going into Hogsmeade with all of his friends. On top of that you've hired Remus Lupin as the new defence against the dark arts teacher, are you tying to ruin my year?"

Her words came out in a tone of sarcasm however a large part of Athena did feel genuinely annoyed for what Dumbledore was putting her through. He didn't answer her, just smiled warily.

Athena sighed loudly as she left the office. Imaging herself lying to Harry was a horrible thought. She'd vowed to never directly lie to him and now she had no choice. Worst part is, if he found out the truth he would hate her and she couldn't stand that.


Words - 1730
Published - 8th May 2021

I hate that Athena
has to lie however
if she didn't too much of the
cannon story would change

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