Other than me, the corner was completely deserted when the bus finally arrived. The doors creaked open and the bus driver gave me a warm smile.

"Take a seat anywhere, darling."

I smiled back and muttered a quick, "thanks". Everyone looked up at me as I started walking down the aisle. This was a small community so it was obvious that I was a newcomer.

I took the only empty seat towards the middle of the bus and continued listening to my music.

I didn't pay attention as the other students entered the bus. When the bus arrived in loop, I was the last one to get off.

I looked up at the school and sighed.

"So this'll be my school for the next three years," I thought to myself. At least I didn't have to continue at the hellhole that was my previous high school.

To say that Tucker High School was unbearable was an understatement. I was bullied pretty bad but that didn't bother me. What bothered me was the smell and general state of the school. The bathrooms constantly reeked of cheap alcohol and weed. Most of the teachers were pedophiles and would sleep with the students for "extra credit". Hopefully Cypress Ridge will be better.

I kept my head down as I walked through the halls to the main office. This school definitely smells better than my last one.

"Excuse me, ma'am," I said in a quiet voice as I walked up to the front desk. "I'm new here and I was wondering if I could have a copy of my schedule."

"Oh of course, darling! What's your name?"

The faculty is also a lot better than the faculty at my last school.

"It's (y/n)(y/l/n)."

The office attendant immediately broke out into a smile. "That's a gorgeous name, sweetie! Let me just run to the back and grab your schedule."

She came back about a minute later with a sheet of paper in her hand. Handing me the schedule, she sat back in her blue rolling chair.

"Okay so the first column shows the time you need to be at the class, the second shows the teacher, the next shows the subject, and the last shows the room number," she explained to me while pointing to the different columns.

As she was explaining a boy with long-ish brown, curly hair walked in. He was a few inches taller than me and looked like someone I'd be friends with at my old school. You know, if I had friends.

"Mr. Wood! I'm so glad you walked in when you did! Would you mind showing (y/n) here around the school? She just started here and doesn't know how to get to her classes or locker."

The brown haired boy smiled.

"Absolutely, ma'am," he said enthusiastically. I wonder what class he was missing to do this. Probably a bad one, based on how happy he was to be missing it.

"Great! Here's your schedule and this is your locker combination and number!" She handed me the paper and a pink sticky note.

As the boy and I walked out of the office he started making conversation with me.

"So... your name is (y/n), correct," he asked and looked at me curiously.

"Yep. I never caught yours though."

He smiled. "It's Otto. Otto Wood. Do you mind showing me your schedule so I can see which classes we have together?"

"Oh yeah, of course," I said as I handed him my schedule.

"Great! We have second, third, fifth, and sixth period together! You'll obviously only catch the end of first period but I can still walk you there!"

"Sweet!" I exclaimed. We walked through the halls in silence after he showed me to my locker and my first few classes.

"Starting a new school in October must be rough... why'd you move here? I mean, unless it's personal which in that case you don't have to tell me", he said, stammering through the last sentence.

"Oh no it's fine," I laughed. "My dad got a better job here so we moved."

"Ah," he said.

We finished walking through the school. We were outside of our first class, which was math. There were 30 minutes until class ended.

"Well that's the end of our wondrous journey," he sighed. "I'll see you in English though! Bye, (y/n)!"

"Bye, Otto! It was nice meeting you!"

He was really nice and nothing like the kids at Tucker. I sighed and opened the door to the math class, which was led by someone named Mr. Marts.

All heads shot up as I walked into the room. All except one.

"Ah! Miss (y/l/n)! I've been expecting you," he said cheerfully. He directed his attention towards the rest of the students. "Class, this is our new student, (y/n) (y/l/n)!"

He turned his attention back to me. "You can sit next to Mr. Knight."

He pointed to a brown haired boy with bleached tips.

This was the boy who didn't look at me when I walked into the room. As I walked over I noticed he had headphones in. That explained it.

He was wearing a Good Charlotte shirt, black skinny jeans, and a studded belt. On his feet he wore a pair of black tattered converse with colored tape all around the edges.

As I pulled out the chair to the seat next to him he unplugged his earbuds and looked up at me confused.

I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Are you new here, or something?"


Hey guys! So this is the first chapter of my new story! I love Waterparks and I love high school au's so I thought, why not make an account and write one! I made it a self insert because I know we've all wondered what it would be like to date a member of the band.

If you have any questions about me or the story please leave them in the comments section of this paragraph! I love you guys!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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A Strange School and A Boy Named Awsten (Awsten Knight x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now