Sleepovers, nightmares, and misunderstanding

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All weekend Hartley keep thinking about cisco. The long haired Latino show up in his dreams, his thoughts, and to his house.
It was Saturday evening and Hartley and Harrison where having a father son diner. They talked about normal things you know, work, books, nuclear physics, but then Harrison started talk about more personal things some that made him start to blush. Harrison then ask what he really thought of cisco, when his judgement wasn't clouded by jealousy. Hartley began to panic, but then he heard the door bell ring.

"I got it" Hartley sighed as he was literally saved by the bell. He though he was good when he answered the door to avoid the question he knew would cause suspicion in wells mind, but boy was he wrong. When he opened the door, to his surprise, stood the tall, dark haired scientist, he panicked.
Cisco looked surprised as well.

"Hartley, what are you doing here, I thought this was Harrison house."

It is, I mean it's ours, well we live together, not together together, he's my family, adopted, recently, I shut up now. Hartley didn't now what it was but just looking at cisco made him melt in to a pile of nerdy awkwardness, not his usually arrogant jerk.

" Oh I didn't know, well I came here to see if wells could let me stay the night, my apartments being fumigated and I don't really have friends in town that I could stay with. I checked with a bunch of hotels and they were all booked, so I thought I should ask Dr. Wells if I can stay the night and show him some of my ideas" cisco said as he gave Hartley an awkward smile.

"Who's there" yelled Harrison as walked towards the door .

Hartley turned to wells an said as normal as he could "oh umm cisco's here, he wants to know if he could stay the night"

Harrison smiles "my home is your home, but we don't have a spare room or a couch you can sleep on. If your fine with sharing a room you can use Hartley's"

"WELLS!"Hartley said alarmed.

"He's our guest Hartley be nice you him okay" replied Harrison in a fatherly tone.

"Thank you Dr. Wells" said cisco with a big grin.
They spent the night talking cracking a laugh or two, it was the most fun Hartley had in a long time, he was happy, though he would never admit it.
It was 11:30 Harrison decided to go to sleep. Hartley yawned in agreement. So he showed cisco his room he felt his heart beating faster and faster. they got to his room. He asked cisco if he needed any pajamas. Cisco said he got it and pulled out pajama pants from his bag. Hartley went to go bush his teeth, giving the other young privacy. when he returned he walked in on a shirtless cisco looking around his room.

You can get the bed, I'll takes the floor" said Hartley grabbing a pillow.

"No it's your house you get the bed, I'll take the floor."

Hartley made a bold move took a breath and said "will we can share the bed" he looked a cisco for reassurance but could not read him" we can go head to feat you know so it won't be weird"

"That sounds good" said cisco with a smile as they got in and fell asleep.

It was around 2:00am when cisco was awoke by a kick in his stomach. He rose seeing a scrunched up Hartley having to be what seemed to be the worse dream ever. He was sweating, crying, and shaking. you can hear a faint muffled sound coming from his mouth
" don't hate me... I'm your son"
Hartley, even though he had been living with wells for a couple of years know, still had reoccurring nightmares about his parents.

"HARTLEY HARTLEY WAKE UP!!" Cisco yelled as he shook Hartley awake.

Hartley's words came out of a stutter hurt manor as he tried to calm down. cisco didn't want to step out of bounds with Hartley but he just wanted the scared broken man to be okay. So cisco rapped his arms around Hartley. Hartley wanted to push away but he didn't, he felt right and calmed, even after he calm down cisco didn't let go. Hartley raps his arms around cisco's with his head on his chest and drifted of into a peaceful sleep.


Cisco opens his eyes to see a sleeping Hartley. His eyes widened, he thought it was all just one of his reoccurring Hartley dreams he's been having since the kiss, but no this was 100% real. he wanted to move his arm, but he didn't want to risk waking up Harley. That would, for sure ruin whatever real and close relationship they had, which cisco was not so sure we're they stood there. All he new was that Hartley was different around him, more sincere, more awkward, more himself, his real self, not the know it all jerk Hartley he acts like at work when around anyone but he and wells. For a few minutes cisco just laid there admire Hartley, though he would deny if asked, he saw the crust in his eyes from crying last night. Cisco didn't know why but he want to know more about the strange man and comfort him. Hartley yawed cisco didn't know what to do, or how to avoid the problem and just to make things worse Harrison Walked in the room holding a tray of breakfast

"Morning. who's hungry I made som-" Harrison stopped and looked at the 2 boys wrapped in each other's arm. One his son and the other his promising new employee." Um... PANCAKES, I made pancakes and eggs, oh and Hartley when your done I have to talk you.

"Oh crap" Hartley blushed

"Hey man I'm sorry I tried to move my arm but I didn't want to wake you, an when you started to freak out I didn't no what else to do." Said cisco in an apologetic voice.

"No it's fine, you were just comforting me, I'll talk to wells, stay here eat. Thank you for helping me." said Hartley in a soft tone as he left the room. Did Cisco's ears deceive him or did he just here Hartley Rathaway say thank you. He knew Hartley was nicer than how he usually acts at work, but saying THANK YOU and not freaking out at me when his adopted dad just saw his son and his newest employee rapped in each others arms, in bed, while ones SHIRTLESS. He did except that from Hartley but that means there's still a lot to get to know about Harley.

* Downstairs
Hartley walked in to the kitchen where he saw well, hands in his lap looking at the table.

"Sit down Hartley" said wells as he rose his head to face Hartley.

"Dad it's not what you think cisco was jus-"

"Hartley, just sit down and let me talk"he sounded serious but not upset, so Hartley did as he was told, hoping to just explain what really happened later. Harrison continued.
"so Hartley, first of all let me tell you your old enough to determine if your ready or not, but I want to make sure your being safe" Harrison then proceed to pull condoms from his pockets. Hartley looked horrified he was having the sex talk with his dad well over the appropriate age for it because of misunderstanding.
" Also remember, whatever you do don't just throw yourself around, your worth more than that, I just want you to be happy. oh also here are some handouts I picked up for you at the clinic. These show you most if the mechanics you'll be doing. Ok and one last thing, I know it's tempting with you guys working together and everything but try not to have sex in the lab." As Harrison uttered that last line Hartley choked on his coffee, and laughter came from behind the wall where cisco was listening to the entire conversation. Hartley blushed harder then he ever imagined. Cisco then sat down and Hartley and him explained what really happened. Harrison looked at them as they spoke with a face that almost seemed disappointed that his son was not with cisco. Harrison and cisco decided to just laugh at the awkward situation, even Hartley let out a laugh. They finish there breakfast and cisco spent the hold day at the wells house, with Hartley. Hartley was happy which he usually wasn't, for once he could just be himself and he loved it.

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