Chapter 2

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A Few Hours Later At Lunch

I hated school today already, everyone knew everyone it was just weird. I saw Lexi had already had a group she was sitting with. I felt so out of place here I hated it so much.

"Yo, Perkins over here" I heard a voice call out from the other side of the room and saw Paxton with a smile on his face and he was sitting with his two friends as he was waving me over to them. I glanced around the room watching everybody watch every move I made. My sister was giving me a death stare for no reason, I rolled my eyes at her and sat down beside Paxton.

"Hey guys this is Alyssa Perkins, Alyssa this is Trent and Cameron" he said smiling and I shook both of their hands. It's been a while since I've laughed and it wasn't fake, I'm glad I became friends with them they're pretty cool. Everything was going great, I was actually enjoying myself then the fucking bell rang. I was kinda bummed that we had class but then I decided what's the point in going anyways. Everyone got their trays and threw them away, then started walking out, but before Paxton could leave I grabbed him arm and stopped him from leaving.

"What are you doing?" he said looking at me with a confused look as if I were crazy or something it was honestly kinda funny.

"Oh c'mon, you don't actually wanna go to class do you?" I said laughing and looking up at him cause he's like way taller than me.

"No not really but where would we even go" he said laughing.

"Ughhh let's just gooo" I said grabbing him by his shirt and running outside. We've been walking for a little while and he dragged me inside a photo booth we took a few pictures then got out, he kept some and so did I. Then we started back on our walk, it was a perfect day really I can't remember the last time I smiled like this and actually meant it.

A Few Hours Later

"Okay it's like 1:30 23 should get going, I had fun today" he said with a smile and hugged me, then skated away. I really didn't want to go home because I knew if I got caught Bella would spend like an hour making it more of a deal than it is.

I got home and climbed up to my window and climbed inside my room when I saw Bella and Lexi sitting on my bed basically waiting for me to come home. How did they even know I was gone? How the hell did they get in my room when the door was locked?

"What the actual hell were you thinking" Bella said, she was in my face, I could feel her breath every time she spoke. She shouldn't care that much she doesn't pay attention to me why was she worried now.

"What are you talking about?" I replied backing away cause her onion breath made me tear up.

"Lexi told me everything, sneaking out of school with some boy!" she said yelling a little this time.

"God who know what you two were doing, what were you having sex!? YOUR 16 YOU LOST YOUR VIRGINITY AT 15 AND HERE YOU ARE SLEEPING WITH SOME GUY YOU JUST MET TODAY!!" she said getting even louder, I looked over and saw Lexi smiling and enjoying this.


"WHY CAN'T YOU BE LIKE LEXI RESOPNSIBLE OR SOMETHING REMOTELY CLOSE TO THAT!!" she yelled in my face causing my rage to build up.

"RESPONSIBLE? RESPONISBLE? YOU HAVE NO RROM TO TALK BELLA SERIOUSLY HATE YOU!!" I said as I grabbed a bag and started packing my stuff.

"Why are you guys yelling?" Dominic interrupted standing at the door holding his now whole glasses but mom told him everything was fine and sent him back to bed.

"I'M LEAVING HAVE FUN WITH THE MAYOR" I said grabbing my bags and skateboard then climbing out the window and skating away holding back my tears.

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