Then she heard a distant shout. James. Lydia turned to where she heard him yell, finding him taking on multiple aliens at once. But that wasn't what caused him to call out. It was the blade heading straight at him. He couldn't get away from the creatures. There were too many, and he knew it too. 

As always, her body moved for her. Lydia was headed toward him, legs moving quickly. The blades were only feet away when she slid to a stop before him. Using a significant amount of energy, the white-haired girl created an enormous force field around them. She grunted as it made contact but drove the shield upward. It was seconds later that the blade made contact with the dome, a firey explosion occurring.

Lydia dropped her hands to her side and took a step back. She had never done anything like that before. It took a lot of energy—nearly everything she had. "Holy shit," James stared at her, eyes slightly wide. "I didn't know you could do that. Thank you."

She smiled, shrugging. "I didn't know I could do that either."

"Guys, we have a vision situation," Sam spoke through the earpiece. Their main goal was to keep them away from the stone. If Vision was in trouble, they needed to help him.

"Somebody get to Vision!" Steve sounded out of breath.

Multiple people responded, but Lydia was not one of them. The aliens had taken advantage of their distracted state and attacked full force. James shot at anything approaching them. Meanwhile, Lydia was struggling to recover from the amount of energy used to stop the blades.

There were several discarded weapons from fallen soldiers, and she picked up the closest one. It was a long wooden staff. It would work for now. Lydia needed to conserve her energy.

Luckily, she knew combat.

Bringing the staff above her head, she slammed it down on top of an approaching creature. That process continued. The stick felt weightless, and it was easy to use. However, it only worked on one creature at a time.

"Vision needs backup," Bruce shouted in the comms. Lydia knew she needed to get to Vision, but it was difficult. There wasn't a chance to get away.

"Lydia," James fired at something behind her. "Go!" There was a hesitation in leaving him without any help. "Go! I'm right behind you."

She had to trust him. Vision needed help. He was the priority. Turning on her heel, she took off in a heavy sprint toward the woods around the building Vision had been it. Above, Wanda flew toward an area in the forest. She adjusted her path slightly and followed after the girl. Wanda must have been able to see something she couldn't.

Suddenly, an alien jumped from a tree. Lydia stumbled over her feet and rolled on the ground. Before the creature could do anything, two bullets went through its body. James lowered his gun and began running towards her. Lydia didn't wait for him to get there and pushed herself back up.

There wasn't any time. She had to keep going.

The trees got closer and closer with every step. The only thing that mattered was getting to Vision. It didn't matter that Lydia was terrified or had no idea what she was doing. It didn't matter that her energy was fading.

Entering the woods, she noticed Natasha doing the same nearby. They noticed each other simultaneously—identical expressions of relief on their faces. "Lydia," she cried, running closer. "Oh gosh, my love. Are you okay?"

Lydia smiled as Natasha placed a hand on her cheek. Grateful that she was alive. It allowed her to brief moment to relax. "Yeah. Are you?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." Natasha smiled back at her. It was a genuine smile. When they were separated, it was scary, but they had to keep fighting. "I'm happy you're okay."

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