Chapter One

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"Pit! Watch out!" Lady Palutena screamed as my dark half, Dark Pit, fired at me.

I dodged in time, but Dark Pit fired another shot. As it hit me, I screamed in pain, and fell to the ground.

"Better luck next time, Pit stain!" Dark Pit teased, and flew off.

Lady Palutena warped me back to the temple.

"Are you alright, Pit?!" She questioned.

"Y-Yeah....." I answered, and tried to stand. I fell back down in pain. "N-No...." I said.

I was definitely not okay. I had a giant gash on my right shoulder. Lady Palutena frowned and began to heal my wound.

*Palutena's POV*

I frowned at Pit, for I saw how much pain he was in. The gash on his shoulder was giant. Pittoo really hurt him... I began to heal Pit's wound. The gash slowly healed, but not fully. It was too big to heal completely. I sighed, and bandaged his shoulder so it wouldn't get infected. I then warped him to his room and onto his bed.

*Pit's POV*

"Better luck next time, Pit stain!" Those words Dark Pit had said. They kept repeating in my head, over and over. He said it in a teasing way, too. I shut my eyes tightly, and all I could see was his face, smirking and laughing at me.

Why can't I stop thinking about him?

I opened my eyes again, and looked at my bandaged shoulder. Part of it was a light tint of red, from my blood.

"Aww! Did I hit you too hard?" I heard Dark Pit's voice say.

I looked around frantically, thinking he was in the room.

"Calm down, Pit." I told myself. "He wouldn't be able to-"

"Be able to what?" I heard a voice say.

Dark Pit's voice.

I saw him outside my window, opening the latch and jumping in. I gasped and looked at him wide eyed.

"H-How did you find me?!" I yelped.

"I have my ways. Now, what were you saying about me?" He questioned, smirking.

"I-I um.......I don't remember." I responded.

He rolled his eyes and looked around my room. I felt my face burning up. Why was I getting so embarrassed about him being here? I had no reason to. Dark Pit looked back at me, and noticed how red my face was.

"You alright there, Pit stain?"  He asked, and actually sounded concerned.

"I-I'm fine! Can you just get out of here?!" I grumbled.

He laughed and flapped his wings. "Fine! See you next battle!" He called out as he flew out my window.

"N-next battle...?"


Sorry that the whole thing is basically all dialogue! And if you guys have any suggestions for ideas, let me know! I might use them in a chapter! ^-^

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