⌚🥳Historical Fiction Winners⌚🥳

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Scores and reviews

Choose your weapon cc6164

Title: 8/10

Cover: 10/10

Blurb: 10/10

Grammar and vocabulary: 20/20

Writing: 20/20

Plot: 10/10

Originality:10 /10

Overall enjoyment: 10/10

Total: 98/100

Review: You need to follow your judge.

Ocean Storm VictoriaLachac

Title: 10/10

Cover: 10/10

Blurb: 10/10

Grammar and vocabulary: 20/20

Writing: 16/20

Plot: 8/10

Originality: 8/10

Overall enjoyment: 10/10

Total: 88/100

Review: WOW! You've won a lot of awards already. The first paragraph is always the hardest to get through as both a writer and reader but I noticed it was really really long. Your writing has a flow that seems both playful and mature, I could tell you've been writing for a while and this works perfectly for you. It's so well put together but some paragraphs are off-balance where some are really long and then some are short. It's just a matter of aesthetics so I wouldn't say to change something just to please my eyes. The dialogue isn't robot-like and your characters feel like actual people. When I read your book I was listening to classical music and it gave a really beautiful feel. This is a book I could read and not put down until I finish it. I'd say you've done your job of being an amazing writer.

Leeward empiresofwater

Title: 10/10

Cover: 10/10

Blurb: 7/10

Grammar and vocabulary: 20/20

Writing: 15/20

Plot: 6/10

Originality: 5/10

Overall enjoyment: 10/10

Total: 83/100

Review: The presentation on this is so well put together. I've reviewed this book in the past so there's not much I could say to add to what I've said previously. I still stand by saying that is extremely well-written and every paragraph has something to say, I love it!

War Is A Game SimplyZiz

Title: 8/10

Cover: 5/10

Blurb: 8/10

Grammar and vocabulary: 15/20

Writing: 15/20

Plot: 10/10

Originality: 5/10

Overall enjoyment: 8/10

Total: 74/100

Review: It looks like there's three different blurbs in one. Getting into the actual book I realized the chapters are kind of short but sometimes that makes a better read, for me it was easier to give an overall score because some people put up chapters that are WAY too long or end in the wrong places.

The plan angiexvi

Title: 5/10

Cover: 10/10

Blurb: 6/10

Grammar and vocabulary: 20/20

Writing: 15/20

Plot: 8/10

Originality: 8/10

Overall enjoyment: 5/10

Total: 77/100

Review: The title is a little too common for my liking, this might be harder for people to search if they want to read your book. I recommend putting all the information that's needed in one chapter because it actually took a long time for me to get to chapter one. Also it would be great for the chapters to have names, I know a lot of people like to go back to certain chapters (myself included).

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