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"Peter! I needed to ask you something...if I hypothetically... accidently told Bucky that you like him...what would you do?" Steve asks nervously

Everyone looked at him and then at me.

"I would kill you, make it look like an accident, cry at your funeral, have people feel bad for me and then get away with it." Peter said with a smile at the beginning

"Okay...now go back to my first sentence and take away hypothetical part" Steve says ready to run

"STEVE" Peter yelled at the top of his lungs

"Okay now kid try to calm down before you kill him" Tony said trying to calm Peter down

"I asked you to help me not to tell him the truth!" Peter yelled "FUCK YOU!"
he yelled as he stormed to his room and slamed the door.

"I didn't think he would overreacted like that."Steve said

"Why did he?" Natasha asked

"I don't know" Tony said

Peters room
Peter was laying on his bed. He was just looking at the door, hoping he would fall asleep or wake up to see that this all was a dream, but it wasn't.

(A/n: so Peter is devastated because he was ashamed that he had a crush on Bucky or on a 100 year old man. He ofc waned to keep it a secret from Bucky and hoped that it was just a phase)

Somelne knocked at the door.

"Hey..." Bucky said while entering the room

"Uh hi..." Peter said


"So..." Peter said

"Spider-kid has a crush on me...im touched" Bucky said

"Shut up!" Peter said

"No really im glad you do (;" Bucky said and smirked

Bucky kept going closer and closer to Peter until there lips torched.

Bucky slipt his thoug through Peter's mouth. Bucky slowly started taking Peters shirt off so did Peter do to Bucky.

"Wait" Peter said "the door, are they locked?"

"Yeah" Bucky lied

"Okay"Peter said

Peter and Bucky started making out again when Bucky started to slowly take Peters pants off. When he took them off he did the same to himself and took his boxers off.

"Uh"Peter said

"Is this your first time?" Bucky asked

"No" Peter answered

"Okay so if you are not a virgin you know what to do, knees now!"

Peter got on his knees. (Did what he had to do 😏)

Bucky lated out a loud moun

"Fuck Peter-"
Bucky started to moun too loud.

Peter puted his hand over Buckys mouth

"You got to be more quiet" Peter said

Bucky then took Peters boxers off and pushed him on the bed and got on top of him. He started slow and got fast in few seconds. 

Peter gasped.


Bucky pressed his metal are over Peters mouth and started going faster.

Bucky after a while stopped holding his hand on Peters mouth and kept going faster.

"Bucky im gonna-" Peter started

"Im not done yet" Bucky said

"I-" Peter said

Bucky stopped and laid by Peter.

"Fuck" Peter said




"What are we?" Peter asked

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...I like you a lot and you know that, and now you fucked me so im asking you what are we? Was this a mistake or are we still gonna be friends with benefits or...?" Peter said

"First of all this wasn't a mistake. And if you say that again i will kill you with my metal arm and I don't want to be friends with benefits. I want to kiss you when I want and go out with you and sleep by someone when I feel lonley..."

"Well I do too" Peter said

"But what about age difference and how will the rest of the Avengers react?" Bucky asked

"Bucky you look like you are one or two years older then me and people think that too, and if the rest of the Avengers can't approve it then thats there problem" Peter said

"You are right but do you want them to know?" Bucky asked

"Well no I want to let them figure it out by themselves. You?"

"I do to, so...let's make it official then" Bucky said

"Yeah yeah sure but firs let's go find some cake okay? Im hungry" Peter said

"Peter its dinner time you should eat something more healthy"

"What are you my dad? No we are going to buy a cake"

"Omg..." Bucky said

"Come on" Peter said while grabing Buckys hand and draging hi downstairs

So...they got together!!!!!!
Its early but im not a patient person so I had to do it in the second chapter.
Anyways...im low-key scared to post this because Ive never done smut scenes by myself. Claire_Gates always do it 😂 so...im scared and awkward at the same time. Okay im gonna try to post another part today. Even tho its like 10 am where I live im going to get something to eat 😂 okay im talking too much. Okay...
Byeeeeeeeeeee ♡
Word count: 838 ☆

Winterspider love storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora