"You really didn't have to do this Joan." I ran my fingers nervously through my hair. Something I always did as a way to calm my nerves.

Joan Looked straight at me and said ,"Iris, we have known each other since the first day of daycare. We made a pact that we would always and forever remain best friends and be there for each other in our time of need," she slightly smirked and chuckled before saying the next few words that came out of her mouth," and well, you really need my help."

I didn't know how to respond to the words that just came out of her mouth. Joan has always been the one to take care of me. She always defended me when I was getting picked on during school and she was always there for me when times got tough at home. You could say I am the side kick and she is the superhero, or well she is the heroine of every novel, tv show, and movie in existence. I, however, have always played a minor role in life. I stuck to the side and kept quite as my best friend got asked to school dances and out on dates. She never really accepted the offers. I guess she felt bad that I was wasn't asked out and didn't want me to feel bad? I had to push her to go on that date with my former boss. He took a liking to her and she only agreed if he paid for my collage education. Then a few short years after their marriage, he croaked. yeah, he was that C.E.O I was talking about earlier.

It wasn't long before we headed out to the apartment she had furnished for me. "I have been waiting for the moment when you decided to move out of your parents," She clapped her hands together as she walked over to the large plastic purple tub I had labeled Baby Kitten's Stuff,
"So I had this apartment ready for you, I got you the best view of the city and to top it all off, you have a now fully stocked fridge of food. Please tell me you like it? "

I took a look around the apartment. All I could think about was, how long has she been planning this?

"All I could say is, wow. This is beautiful Joan." She clapped her hands and jumped up with joy.

" I am glad you liked it. Anyways. lets get you unpacked and everything. Well figure out to eat later."

I rubbed my face in circular motion. My world has really changed. As much as this life seems "great", I would prefer the world I have been dreaming about my entire life.

"Hey, Iris? Who is this?" Joan called from the other side of the apartment. I was in the bedroom setting up my art supplies.

"what is it?" I shouted as i l began walking out the bedroom.

"Well, I found this picture that slipped out of your journal, it looks old-"

"Let me see that," I said as she handed me the picture, it was slightly faded but you could still see what the picture was. The picture was of a woman. She had long black hair and looked just like the woman I have been seeing in my dreams, but I couldn't put my finger on who she reminded me of in my dreams , "What journal did this come out of?" I asked as she handed me the journal titled , "Dream journal volume vii (7)" I open the journal to read the first entry.

Journal entry:

September 26, 2003

I have been having dreams about another life. My therapist suggested that i start writing my dreams in a journal, this is my 7th journal.

I am 7 years old now, but I've only been writing about my dreams since I was 6. My therapist and all of my family says I have the vocabulary of a 12 year old. I guess that is because my main source of entertainment is from books in lobby of my therapist and from the schools library.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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