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The next morning Shiro went to Rin's room, because he didn't coem down and would be late for school. Shiro tried opening the door, again looked like the past two days. "Rin! If you don't open this door now! I am going to break it down!" threaten Shiro, but nothing happened. He broke the door down only to discover the room empty. Rin wasn't there and some of the clothes were missing. "Oh no no no." muttered Shiro and sprinted down the staris to the basement. Opening the drawer that should have the sword with Rin's power in it, he was shockedd. "So i wasn't imagining the blue light... FUCK!" realized Shiro and walked up to the others. "Has anyone seen Rin?" he asked. "No, shouldn't he be in his room?" questioned one of the adults. "No and i fear Rin had heard us talking two days ago... about him. I think he ran away. The worsest part is that he has the Kurikara." replied Shiro. "WE MUST FIND IT AND KILL HIM IF HE HARMS HUMANS!" shouted an adult. "We aren't going to kill him! He wouldn't harm a human without a good reason!" countered Shiro. "Then at least let us infrom the True Cross Order about it!" demanded another adult. "NO! They are going to execute him and possible Yukio,too!" countered Shiro. "How about we find him first and then discuss what we do?" suggested Yukio coming into the room. Everyone went to look for him, but he wasn't found. The only thing found was a note from him stating he knows, feels betrayed,hurt and doesn't want to be around them anymore. It was then that Shiro only ntice how he negelected Rin for Yukio. It was that day Rin wasa reported as missing and when seen not o approche and calling the police or the number written on the missing posters, because he could run away again.

Rin was at the factory and searching the place. He decided to climb up onto a way higher second platform in the factory and settle down there. It was a lesser risk at being spotted when he sleeps. He stayed inside th factory training there and trying diffrent things with the fire, because he is a little curious child. He found out that he could chose what is burnt, it was difficult, but with training it would be getting easier. He also came across demons who could talk with him. They ranted about how people treat them badly or how the excorcist's are killing them even tho they didn't do anything, merely scared a human and well some not so nice demons. Rin began to understand this new world. When he showed the blue fire to a nicer demon, they were instantly scared and urged to not show this power to anyone. Only to use it if his live is in danger. Rin didn't get much more information than that it is the same fire satan uses. After learning he was listed at missing and nearly get caught by police, he covered his face when going. He stole by local stores all the things he needed to stay alive. He also shared with others he came across and needed thing.

 The homless people thought of him as a saint. He was always nice to them and gave them food when he could. Because of this when he got in trouble, which was rather frequently, they helped him. Either hide him or caused commotions if he was trapped to give him time to escape. They did wonder why he was seen even when he should be in school or at nights. Everytime they asked him, he avoided the question or didn't answered. At some point they decided to help him study as best as they could. Rin appreciated to have others to help him, but he wasn't sure if he really trusted them. One night Rin came across a woman and a baby. It looked like they ran from someone and the woman was hurt badly. Not thinking, he grabbed the woman and baby and ran to the closest homeless person to let them watch over the baby, while he takes the woman to the hospital. After waking and informing the homeless woman named Taki, he took of direction of the hospital with the mother in his arms. He kind of crashed in to the hospital and shouted for help. Doctors and nurses came rushing to him and took the woman out of his arms. They were stunned a bit to see a 8 year old carrying a grown up woman, but focused on saving the life of the woman and ask question later. Rin didn't left the hospital and waited outside the operation room. pacing from one wall to another. It made the nurses curiuos and one went up to him. "Hey, there. Your mother is going to be fine. Why are we not going to place were you can sleep?" said one nurse named Sato. At least it was written on her name tag. "Uhmm... She isn't my mother.... I found her like this, when i walked home." replied Rin looking up. "Why were you out at nearly midnight?" asked Sato. "I forgot the time, when i was uhm learning with a friend." answered Rin scratching the back of his head. "Well, all the nurses are curious how young boy like you could carry her. Do you know how you were able to do this?" questioned Sato. "Uhm i train martial arts, so maybe it is because of that. It could also be this suddenly adrenalin that can make womans lift very heavy things, they normaly can't lift, lift to save their child. I read on it that it can happen to anyone, who sees a person in danger." answered Rin. "My, you are very smart. It could be. Other question, why are you still here and not going home? Your parents must be worried about you." said Sato looking worriedly at Rin. "Oh uhm, I already infromed them and asked if i can stay until the woman get's out of the op." replied Rin. "Well, that is quiet nice of you, but you should get some sleep." said Sato and truned to leave, but looked back to see Rin next to the benches huddled together. It was sad for her to see him like that. She walked to her colleagues and told them what Rin told them and that his called Rin. Rin accedintly said hit when he greeted Sato. "Wait, did you say his name is Rin?" said a nurse tipping something on the computer, but stopped hearing the name. "Yeah, why?" questioned Sato. "He is listed as missing since a few weeks now. " wispered the nurse back. "Really? Should we call the police?" asked another one. "Yes! It was said that if we see him to call them or his family and not to approch him, because he would run." answered the first nurse. "Do that, call his family. I will make sure he doesn't leave till they are her" ordered Sato.

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