The person at the till puts it in a nice bag and you walk out the shop and go into a few other shops

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The person at the till puts it in a nice bag and you walk out the shop and go into a few other shops..
You walk past a lingerie shop
"I think you need some more of those"-Bucky
"Stop it.."-you smile
"What I'm just saying"-he smiles
"I bought some when I was away so yeah"-y/n
"Really? Can't wait to see you in them"-Bucky
"You wish"-y/n
Your walking back to the car and Bucky wants to drive this time...
He gets in and then you do and he speeds off down the mall call park and back home to the compound...
You get back home and you go put your dress upstairs...
You walk around the compound for a bit and Jarvis told you that tony,,Pepper,,Peter,,Wanda,,Nat,,Steve had gone to sort out the venues for tomorrow
So it's just you..Sam..Bucky..Bruce..loki..thor In the compound..
You go into parts of the compound you haven't seen before properly like Tony's go in and start looking at stuff like his get bored and you leave his lab
You go back to your room and you decide to take a go into the bathroom and start to strip and you get into your robe and walk back into your bedroom..where bucky was
"You going in the shower doll?"-Bucky
"Can I join"-Bucky
"Yeah why not you kinda smelly too"-you smirk
You both walk back into the bathroom and you both get in the shower...
He starts pinning you against the shower wall...
"This is payback for leaving me for 3 months"-Bucky
He starts kissing you...
And that leads on too something more
And your basically getting railed as the hot shower steam bounces of the walls...
You finish in the shower and your kinda limping...
You get into this for the rest of the night

You get into this for the rest of the night

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You and Bucky get into bed...
Your legs are shaking
"I'm sorry did I go to hard"-Bucky
"Yeah you did...we have a wedding tomorrow"-y/n
"Oh well nobody would be able to see your legs anyways under that dress"-Bucky
"Well that's a good thing"-y/n
You end up falling asleep on his chest while watching Netflix....
You wake up in the morning at 9am
And it's your dads wedding...Bucky is already up working out in his little gym in your room...
"Bet your dad is nervous!"-Bucky
"Yeah I know I should go check on him"-y/n
You walk out of your room and go to his room and you walk in on him and Nat doing it...
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that I'll just go wash my eyes out with bleach"-y/n
You run back to your room
"I saw them having seggs"-y/n
"You've done it before you'll be fine"-Bucky
Wanda comes in
"Morning guys the ceremony starts at 11am...make sure your at the church by 10:45am please"-Wanda
"Okay thank you wanda"-y/n
She smiles and walks out...
"I better start with my hair and makeup then takes me ages on some occasions"-y/n
"Yeah you do that"-Bucky
You go to your dressing table and start

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