"Hey you might not have the muscles but you have other good qualities"

"Yeah your right! I have other good qualities like singing!"

Moxie seemed quiet happy now. But that moment would soon be diminished right now.

"I'd like to dedicate this song to me winning"

(Sorry y'all I dont feel like writing down the lyrics for sweet victory- my apologies 😔)


"Hey hun I think you had enough for today let's go home and get you clean?"

He nodded slowly and sadly. He and millie left the bleachers you looked at the stage. You left as well you rubbed your arms as you left.


you and the others made it home. Millie had brung the horse into to the stable while you helped moxie to the rooms once again the red glow was crimson red. You and moxie looked at one another.

"Should we look inside?"

"I think we possibly should"

Moxie grasped the doorknob and he pushed the door open. In there was a gun moxie looked sacred.

"Hey everything alright?"

"No no no everything is not alright this this gun is dangerous and it can not only kill demons but demon-"

He was shortly cut off.


You heard a soft chuckle.

"Yeah that's kinda the point"

He scratched the door and shut the door aggressively. You tipped and your hands went numb with fear you dropped moxie and accident.

"Ack, I'm sp sorry moxie"

He waved his hand backa and forth as a sign that he was fine. You knelt down to help him up. But he was grabbed from out and under you. He was being checked. You had a flame rise up I you. You shot up you pounced on to him you bore in to his shoulder. You growled as you bite deeper and deeper into his shoulder. He walked you off you whimpered as you made contact with the floor. You heard something shatter on the floor and heard someone growl. Then you heard the clicking of a gun. You opened your eyes to see striker setting up the gun. Foot steps could be heard a door slammed open you looked over meakly to see blitzø. Blitzø scanned around the room he got pissed when he saw striker and moxie. Bit when he saw you he exploded with anger.

"Excuse me what the fuck?!"

"Blotzzzzzzzø nice to see you"

"What are doing?!"

He looked at him with a blank stare.

"What does it look like? I'm offing the prince"

"Well I don't like the fact that touring trying to off my eastist way to the land of the living"

He clicked his gun off of safety he spun the barrel. And pointed it to his chest.

"Come on blitzø you know damn well that you we deserve better you knew from the start that your business was doomed from the start where you can come with me and kill this who are unkillable starting with the one that treats you like a play thing"

Blitzø thought for only a few seconds.

"You know that's pretty hot~"

Striker grabbed the gun and tossed it to the ground. It was close enough to where you could reach it and reach it you did. You got up slowly to not make much noise.
"Ya know what fuck it I'm in"

Blitzø smiled you cocked the gun you where close to striker.


You didnt bother shooting the gun since blitzø started to fight striker it'd be to dangerous for you to shoot. As a possibility of shooting blitzø so you threw the gun to blitzø. You tried at the very east striker got it he broke away from blitzø he held the gun to your neck. He dragged blitzø was about to yell.

"Yell and I shoot"

He smiled like the devil himself possessed him. He took you and jumped out the window with you in his arms. He kept the gun to you as he forced you to run. Forced to run I  the back alleys to keep out of sight since the festival was still going. You hiffed as you where forced to stop again. You felt weak in your legs like you couldnt move them anymore. Striker looked at you with a sigh he looked like he just wanted to keep moving.

"We're almost there get your ass moving!"

He barked at you, you winored ever so slightly and nodded and kept running when he told you to. When you made a half an hour later there was a fiery horse striker gotten on the horse holding out his hand for you to take it. You got on to the horse wraped your hands around his waist and he took off.


"Hey guys where are you?!"

Millie called blitzø didnt dare sat anything. Loona and Miller came in to the dismantled room. They looked at the two worried men.

"Wheres Y/N?"

Loona asked with a wairy voice. Blitzø and moxie started to cry they cms closer to embrace them.

"She got kidnapped by striker"

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