A King in every corner

Start from the beginning

"Less about the Greyjoys and more about Theon, instead." Dahlia said, watching as Robb furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Robb, darling... You have to understand... Sending Theon back to Pyke... It's a dangerous move."

"Everyone tells me the Greyjoys are not to be trusted." Robb sighed. "Yet, I trust Theon."

"This is not about the Greyjoys, love." Dahlia shook her head. "Seven hells, everyone says the Freys are not to be trusted and yet, here we are..."

"I trust you, Dahlia."

"I know." She smiled at the constant reassurance Robb was never short on giving her. "And I think you're right, about trusting Theon. But I think you're right about trusting Theon when he's close to you."

"What does that mean?"

"Sending him to Pyke... You're putting Theon in a delicate situation." Dahlia explained, her voice gentle, but her words surer than Robb had ever seen them be. "I believe he loves you. I believe he sees you as a brother and as King. But once he's back to Pyke, back with his family... I'm not sure he'll be as loyal to you and he is here."

"Why not?" Robb asked, as Dahlia shrugged her shoulders, just barely.

"Because it's not easy to turn your back on family." She said. "No matter how much or how little you know them. No matter how good or how bad they are... They are your family. You share a name and blood and words to live by. And, sure, Theon had been pretty much raised by your Father, but he was a ward and he grew up in fear of being executed everyday, should his Father rebel. Much like I did."

"Would the Tyrells kill you if your Father surged against them?" Robb asked, as Dahlia smiled, reaching up a hand to rub her thumb along his jaw.

"Of course they would. That was the whole reason why I was there, anyway." She said. "They would take me hostage. Use me as a bargaining chip. We all knew that. I knew that, all along. And yet, it didn't stop me from loving those who were meant to be my captors."

"So if you love them... If you had had to choose. Freys or Tyrells. What would you have chosen?"

"That's my point, love." Dahlia sighed. "I'm not sure. And I'm not sure Theon is either."

Robb stopped for a second, his forehead creasing and his eyebrows furrowing, deep in thought. Leaning away from Dahlia's touch, he shook his head.

"No." He decided. "I trust Theon. He promised his sword to me as a King and as a brother. He won't betray me, I know it."

"I don't mean to stop you from doing what you want to do, Robb." Dahlia said. "All I'm saying is that, if you mean to send him, at least don't send him alone."

"Who am I going to send with him? Which one of my Lords would even be willing to go with Theon to Pyke of all places, trade with Balon Greyjoy of all people..." Robb wondered, out loud, as he stood up and started to pace around the tent for a moment. Dahlia bit her lip again, unsure on how to respond, but before she could, Robb shook his head as he turned to look at her again. "No. I thank you for your advice, my Lady, but I will send Theon alone."

"Of course." Dahlia nodded, pushing aside her worries for that decision, but hoping that Theon would choose Robb over his Father if that choice ever came to be.

"I trust him, Dahlia. As much as I trust you." Robb said, his face softening a bit when he noticed the confusion flashing over the girl's face. "I've been meaning to talk to you as well."

Dahlia nodded then, watching as Robb sat back down in front of her and reached for her empty goblet, filling it with wine again and taking a sip from it himself, not particularly caring that it had been Dahlia's cup just seconds before.

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