Liebgott Offering Comfort

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• It's been a really long week and all you wanted to do was cuddle up with Lieb and forget about the world around you.
• Lieb has been extra busy with his cab lately. He hasn't been home as much as he normally would be, so you really haven't had the chance to talk to him about everything that's been bugging you.
• It's Friday night, so Lieb should be home at 6 p.m. from his last drive. 6 p.m. rolls around and Lieb isn't home yet. 7 p.m. comes and he still isn't home.
• You lay on the couch and start crying finally letting the weight of the week out. Lieb walks into your house and says baby I'm home. You couldn't muster up the energy to respond to him.
• Lieb walks into the living room and sees you laying on the couch. He says babe you okay? You just shake your head no at him. He picks you up off the couch and takes you to your bedroom.
• You just look at him like wtf are you doing?! He lays you down on the bed and says we're going to get comfortable and then I want to hear it, everything. You just nod your head at him.
• Lieb ruffles through your shared dresser and pulls out one of his t-shirts that you really enjoy wearing. He places it on the bed next to you. Then he pulls out a pair of your sleep shorts out and sets them next to his shirt on the bed.
• He pulls out a pair of his pajama bottoms. He takes his shirt off; then pulls his jeans off, replacing them with his pajama bottoms.
• Lieb walks back over to the bed and says alright babe lift up your arms. You do as he asks. He takes your shirt off and replaces it with your favorite shirt of his. He asks if you want him to do the rest and you nod your head yes. He gets you out of your jeans and into your sleep shorts.
• Once you're both in your comfy pjs, he climbs into bed next to you. You move so your head is on his chest. Lieb starts running his hands through your hair. He says alright you wanna tell me what's going on?
• You say everything, this week has just been the absolute worst and I haven't even been able to see you as much because you're working weird hours.
• He says I'm sorry liebling, I didn't mean to be gone so long, I promise the hours were only off because I was covering someone's shift.
• You said it's okay Joe, work this week just wore me out and I was looking forward to coming home and cuddling with you.
• He said well we're cuddling now.
• You just shook your head at him and buried it further into his chest. He kept playing with your hair.
• He said have you eaten yet?
• You said no.
• He said how about I cook you up some of my famous spaghetti and we can go cuddle on the couch in front of the tv?
• You said sounds good to me Lieb.
• You both get out of bed and Lieb goes off to the kitchen to cook. You sit at the table and watch him cook. Lieb turns the radio on and he dances and sings to every song all in hopes of making you laugh and smile. You do.
• When Lieb is done cooking, you get the plates out of the cupboard and Lieb dishes the food out. You hold hands and talk throughout dinner and you get everything off your chest as Lieb listens and nods his head.
• After dinner, Lieb offers to braid your hair and you take him up on it because you love when he plays with your hair. Lieb sits on the couch and you sit on the floor between his legs. He takes time to give you a scalp massage before braiding your hair.
• Once Lieb finishes braiding your hair, you mention wanting to go back to your bedroom and cuddling, you weren't feeling the tv tonight. You also mentioned maybe letting Lieb read to you from his favorite comic book and you could fall asleep to his voice.
• Lieb is more than okay with that suggestion and promises that tomorrow you both will not be leaving the bed since you'll be cuddling unless necessary because he wants to recoup on the time he missed out with you during the week.
• Lieb always knows what you need to help you feel better and you couldn't wait to spend tomorrow with him.
• You and Lieb walk back to your room. You lay down on the bed and Lieb goes and grabs his Flash Gordon comic off the shelf in the corner of your room before climbing back onto the bed next to you.
• You situate yourself so you're draped over top of him with your head over his heart and he wraps his arm around you. Lieb opens the comic up and starts to read. You close your eyes and focus on the mix of his voice and his heartbeat. It doesn't take long for you to fall asleep.

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