"So, the plot thickens." Josephine formed a mischievous grin as she and Bobby and Chimney stepped into the backyard. "What would make this Casanova fracture story interesting is that this man is this woman's old lover. Giving us the pure daytime drama television or one of the telenovelas my abuelita made me watch when I was seven years old." She rambled on much to the latter's amusement.

"I'll give you 20 bucks for that." Chimney entertained the idea.

A smirk crept upon her lips, "Deal."

"Josie, Chim over here." Their captain called them over where he located the injured civilian, directing the flashlight. The duo followed his steps down the staircase to discover a half naked man winced at the lights beaming at him. "Don't move. Do not move, sir." Bobby instructed. "You came down from there, didn't ya?"

The man nodded in pain as Josephine looked at him briefly then diverting to the high balcony. She crouched in front of him, propping her flashlight at him. "How many fingers am I holding up?" She held up two fingers to his face.

He squinted, "Uh, two."

"What day is it?" She questioned, moving forward with procedure to see if he didn't gain a concussion from the fall.

"Uh, Valentine's day." 

Bobby flickered at Chimney who stood at the end of the injured civilian's feet. "Hey Chim, are they broken?" He referred to the ankles.

After taking an short examination, the man hissed again in discomfort from Chimney's hold. He confirmed to his captain they were indeed broken. Bobby nodded then passed the neck brace to Josephine. "Sir, we're going to stabilize your neck." He pronounced while the brunette carefully wrapped the neck brace around the man. 

"You sustained what we call a Casanova fracture." Josephine mentioned. 

She saw him furrowing at the name, "Wh-Why is it called a Casanova fracture?"

"Well, woman is having an affair. Husband comes home early. Guy jumps off, Casanova." Chimney thoroughly defined to the man's dismay. 

Bobby squatted down, "Alright, Chim, Josie. You ready?" He placed his hands on either side of the man's head while the duo situated themselves to slide the man onto the stretcher. "Sir, take it easy we're going to roll you over. Okay, on three. One, two, three." He counted down, as the trio rolled the injured man screaming in agony onto the stretcher. 

Josephine and Chimney tried to soothe him through the pain that struck in his back and legs. The night couldn't have gotten more dramatic when the homeowner emerged into the balcony after hearing those painful screams outside. "Mickey?" He contorted a confused expression. "What the hell is going on?" He maneuvered his eyes to the blond coming up next to him. "Was he in here when I got home?"

"You said you were going to be at work." She proclaimed. 

Bobby decided to intervene before anything could get drastic. "Alright, take a breath. This man has been severely injured and you could work this out with your wife, once he gets medical attention and get him out of here." 

"She's not my wife." The brunette man corrected. 

The injured man, named Mickey interjected. "She's my wife." 

Josephine paused strapping the man on the stretcher along with Bobby and Chimney who looked at each other. "Well, this is riveting." She murmured. 

"We're separated." The blond woman clarified.

Her boyfriend confronted her, "You said it was done between the two of you. You asked me to move in here." He spoke in an infuriating tone, which was valid under the circumstances. 

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