Chapter 1

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"Please state your name, age, height, weight, date and place of birth, current gender identity, and current sexual identity to the camera please, and state them in that exact order." Said the woman. While Karina couldn't really tell much about the woman sitting across from her, she could tell that she was a woman who commanded great authority, and likely was getting very tired of having to spend her weekends interviewing people. While she was expecting the interview for this job to be different from the ones she is used to, she wasn't expecting to be having to give so much personal information out so quickly. The woman sitting across from her didn't even look up from her file to adjust the camera or anything, not even to greet Emerald when she walked into the room.
"Hi, my name is Emerald, I am--," before she could finish she was cut off by the woman at the desk.
"Full name, not just first, not just first and last, but your entire name." The woman said, sounding extremely irritated but mostly tired.
"Oh okay, ummm, my name is Emerald Ana Fulwood. I am 27 years old, I am 5'7, I am 165 pounds, I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, my gender identity is transwoman, and I am pansexual." Emerald said, trying her best to stay calm and not show her discomfort with the whole situation. She had no issue telling the fact that she was trans, or the fact that she was pan, but she was, however, uncomfortable with stating her exact height and weight.
"Blood type?" The woman stated mere seconds after receiving the previous answers.
"O negative."
"Any long term relationships with any friends, relatives, lovers, coworkers, or any other such person," the woman droned on, continuing to look through her files, occasionally writing something down. Before Emerald spoke, she took a quick look around the room and the person who was sitting before her; the room itself was bland, military beige painted bricks with no windows and only 2 doors, one behind her and one behind the woman across from her. The only things in the room are a pair of metal chairs bolted to the ground, a metal table also bolted to the ground, and an old school movie camera pointed directly at Emerald. The woman across from her seemed to be just as bland as the rest of the room, with all Emerald being able to see of her was a brunette bun on top of her head, but her voice didn't help much with it being completely monotone, void of all emotions expected tiredness.
"Hmmm, my closest relationship is with my landlord and he doesn't even know how to say my name, he keeps calling me Ellie."
"Have you ever been convinced of any federal crimes, specifically arson?"
"No?" Emerald replied, with an audible amount of confusion at how oddly specific the question was.
"Have you ever called someone, 'broski' unironically?"
"To my knowledge I have never even said broski."
"Have you ever worked at a company where someone microwaved fish on a daily basis?"
"Are all of these questions really necessary?"
"If I didn't think they were necessary then I wouldn't be asking them, now did anyone ever microwave fish on a daily basis at a previous line of work," the woman asked, finally looking up from her files. She looked around 40, with a pair of round glasses, a short yet definite nose, and mossy green eyes.
"Uhhhh, yeah, during my time working at Floor-mart, someone always microwaved fish for lunch but I don't actually remember seeing anyone eat fish for lunch." Emerald responded, shocked that she even got the interviewers attention.
"How did you hear about this job opening?"
"I got a letter of invitation-"
"And when did you get this letter," the woman probed, cutting off Emerald again. "About 2-"
"Exact date, time, and place of you getting the letter is what I need to know," the lady stated, cutting off Emerald for the third time in the last 2 minutes.
"Hmmm, march the 14th, at my apartment in indianapolis, around 12:30 A.M.," Emerald said, with a tone of annoyance and infatuation beginning to rise in her voice.
"Do you still have the letter with you?"
"Yes in fact I do," beginning to pull out a golden envelope from her purse. It has been exactly 2 weeks since she had gotten the letter, which came only hours after she was fired from her job, her s/o dumped her, and her best friend left her to go be with her ex s/o in California. Since that point she had gone through several tests, most of which she was certain she failed horribly, but despite all odds she had ended up here, at this interview. She never really did think how strange it was that the letter came at midnight until right now.
"It was 12:37 A.M.," the woman said very calmly, looking back at her files.
"When your letter came in. It was 12:37 A.M. exactly. And the reason why no one ate the fish is because there was no fish. Well, there was fish being cooked in that microwave," she responded, calmly standing up and turning off the camera. "Follow me, if you will."
At that moment, the door near the interviewer opened up, revealing an elevator. Emerald, ever the curious one, weighted her options and decided that no matter what she was going to find, she didn't have anything to lose other than her dignity and she was certain that she wouldn't have that for much longer anyway so there was no point in not going through with it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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