Part 3: I don't do superpowers

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"Hey, it's ok. Maybe that guys a jerk, but you have me and Pepper and I'll help you tell Tony. Everything will be just fine, but please tell me the name of the scumbag who did this to my little sister." Cassidy looked up at her friend and gave her a sad smile.

"Sister?" Natasha nodded slightly, remaining calm like always.


"I don't want to say his name. He doesn't matter anymore."

"Mommy?" Cassidy turned towards her daughter who was eating a donut on the couch. She smiled at her daughter and quickly brought over a plate before Tony would yell for making a mess.

"What's up?" Gracelyn bit her lip and stared at her feet which were swinging off the couch.

"Can I talk to him?"

"To who?"

" daddy?" Cassidy froze as she locked eyes with her daughter. She quickly cleared her throat and showed her daughter a warm smile.

"Yeah...yes, sure. If you want to." Gracelyn smiled brightly as her mother walked back into the kitchen slowly, her eyes darted on the ground while her hand tapped nervously against her leg. . "Gracie, I'll be right back."

"Ok mommy."

Cassidy walked at a quick pace down the halls, avoiding everyone who looked her way as she aimed for the door. She quickly opened it and ran to her friend.

"Hey, what's up?" Natasha said as Cassidy's arms wrapped around her. "You ok?" Cassidy nodded into Natasha's shoulder, neither of them saying anything for a while.

"I need your help." Cassidy finally said after a while. She untangled her arms from Natasha and sat on the bed. Natasha sat beside her and sighed.

"I bet, which problem are we dealing with right now?" Cassidy rolled her eyes and let out a soft chuckle at her friend before becoming nervous again.

"She wants to talk to him. Gracelyn wants to talk to Pietro. Why would she want to talk to him?" Natasha put her arm around Cassidy's shoulder and they both let out a heavy breath.

"Well let's look at it this way, if you had the chance to talk to your birth mother, would you?" Cassidy glanced at her friend while twirling a long strand of her hair in between her fingers.

"I mean I guess, yes...probably, but what would a 7 year old even want to say to him. Does she want him to be her dad, is she mad at him, if I was 7 I don't know what I would do if I saw my mother."

"Well, I say you let her talk to him. What's the worst that could happen, she shakes him for it, makes him feel awful for what he did." Cassidy shook her head.

"The worst she could do is want to live with him." Natasha looked into her friends eyes and smiled.

"Not possible, so stop being a paranoid freak and go." Cassidy nodded before walking out the door. She would just talk to him, easy.

Cassidy walked up to his door, her hand hovering next to it. She took a deep breath and carefully knocked on the door.

"Hey, Pietro it's me, Cassy." She said. In only a few seconds the door was open and Cassidy could see the remains of his blue streak. "I'm never gonna get used to you having super speed." She mumbled to herself while looking at her feet.

"What's up?" He asked. Cassidy looked up at Pietro, her eyes meeting his.

"Gracelyn wants to talk to you." She said in a hurry. Pietro stiffened and a smirk rested on his face. The same smirk that made Cassidy like him. She looked at his face and remembered how many times he made that same smile when he was happy.

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