"Walking Home"

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-Mins POV-

"Yeah, we're back". I said gazing up at the sky. I don't remember what it was, the fact I knew It was real and not some train car or the overall beauty of the moment, but I felt a sense of calm I hadn't felt in what seemed like forever. I picked up my mini synth, wiped off some of the dew on the bottom of it and stood up. Ryan looked up at me and I extended my hand out to him. he took it and stood up. Ryan picked up his guitar case and looked at me.
"What now?"

I didn't know. What should we do next? "I uh... " I started to say then took a moment and thought hard. I thought of a general plan. "Maybe we should go find our parents," I responded trying to remain assertive. Ryan looked down "I doubt my parents even knew I was gone," he said looking a bit upset. I grabbed his shoulder and he looked up at me, to which I replied "Hey, they miss you I'm sure." Ryan smiled a little, I couldn't help but smile back as I put my hand down from his shoulder. Ryan had that effect on me, his smile could light up a room, especially when the smile was for me. A-anyway, we started to hike out of the forest, we walked close enough that our shoulders brushed past each other now and then.
We finally reached the border of the forest. "Hey look at that were out," Ryan remarked offhandedly. we were on Cariboo Avenue, only a small walk to my house and a little bit farther to Ryans. We started walking down the cracked sidewalks I had known my whole life. Years of me and Ryan laughing and running down these streets. It'd be weird to see different ones, ones with more dirt and gum stuck to the ground, I was excited to explore the new york streets with Ryan. If my parents let me... Speaking of which we finally reached my house. Neither I or Ryan wore a watch so it was hard to know if my parents would even be awake so early. Which wasn't a bad thing, I wasn't ready to see them yet, well less seeing them but having to tell the truth about what I wanted in life.
Ryan glanced at me "Now what?" He said looking at the door from afar. A sense of panic came over me and I began to feel nervous. I slowly started walking towards my house. I internalized every step I took as if I was walking to my grave. I reached the door finally and stood there for a moment. With a shaky hand, I knocked on the door.
I knocked again.
They were still asleep. So I had no choice but to just go inside. (Note: Literally nobody locks their door in Canada unless your in like a huge city) I opened the door slowly, then Ryan and I walked inside.

Rymin (Ryan X Min) Infinity Train "Off The Train"Where stories live. Discover now