Chapter 1

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Y\N: dad I got a letter from Hogwarts
Dad: ok Tomorrow is a big day
Mom: ok go to Sleep
Y\N: ok mom
The next day
Dad: wake up Sweetie it the big day!
Y\N Yay I so Excited
Dad: let's go and get your wand and
You're here and your dad sees he's an old friend
And you see harry and you and harry go to 9 and 3 queries and you and harry set together and you
See Ron
Ron: hey can I set here
Harry: hi yea it fine
Y\N Hi my name is Y\N
What's your name
Ron: I am ron
And you
Harry: I am harry
Ron: for real wow
Harry: yea and
Ron: well
Ron: you're famous did you that
Harry: no
Hermione: hi
Y\N Hey
Harry: hey
Hermione: you are Harry Potter
Harry: yea
Hermione: Well we are almost they
You are here 
Hagrid: follow me
And you are walking down the hall
And you get sorted into your house
And you go to sleep and it the next day.

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