"When we make your crown, we can make it golden, if you want." He said and Dahlia giggled.

"Golden?" She repeated, her brown eyes finding his as a hint of amusement shined in them. "No. Bronze and iron are the metals of the North. My crown should be forged the same as yours."

"Maybe some gemstones, then." Robb offered. "Iron and bronze are much too dull for your head, love."

At that, Dahlia blushed, her eyes leaving Robb's for a second to fall down toward his crown instead, again. She would be the first to admit it. There wasn't much in Robb's crown that attracted her at all. It was the perfect crown for a warrior King such as the Young Wolf and it fit perfectly to the image of King Robb, but he was right. It was dull and Dahlia did enjoy her fair share of color.

"I have always really enjoyed the shine of the Turquoise." She admitted shyly as Robb smiled a bit. "Margaery used to say the tone would go very well with my skin."

"Then we shall find some of those gems to put upon your crown when the time comes." Robb decided, his words sounding more like a promise than anything else. "I would love to see with my own eyes if the Lady Margaery is correct."

"She usually is. Especially when vesture is involved." Dahlia giggled again, her fingers still tracing one of the spikes of Robb's crown as she lifted her eyes again to meet Robb's. "Thank you, Robb. This... This means a lot."

Robb nodded in understanding. He knew what she was saying, and she wasn't just thanking him for the gemstones he promised her. She was thanking him for the meaning behind his words. The one he hadn't said out loud, but that he hoped she knew. If her reaction was anything to go by, he could assume she did, but making assumptions was never something Robb Stark was ever really good in nor did he enjoy it.

"I want you to be comfortable, Lady Dahlia." Robb said, grabbing her hand that was still in his crown in his hand as he looked down at her, their eyes meeting halfway so that he could convey to her all of the sincerity with which he meant his words. "I... I can't say I know how our life is going to be from now on and, especially after we wed. What I can say is that, no matter what happens, you will not be alone. I vow to stay beside you and help you with everything I can. I know I took you from your home and from your family, but I vow to do my best to be it for you. Your home, your family. I'll be it for you for as long as you want me to. And... And maybe, with all our duties, I won't be able to stay beside you at all times, but I want you to know that it will never mean that I'm leaving you alone."


"You are to be my Queen." Robb continued, wanting to say everything he meant to say before Dahlia could interrupt him and he lost all the courage he had been saving for this. "And as my Queen, you are to be respected by my people - our people. But, more importantly, you are to be respected by me."

"You already respect me, dear." Dahlia smiled, the term of endearment rolling off her tongue so easily it made Robb's heart soar in his chest for a second. "You... You are much more than I have ever dared dream in a husband."

"And I promise you to keep it that way." Robb promised, bringing Dahlia's hand up to his lips to press a gentle kiss to the back of it. "I promise to never hurt you or disrespect you in any way. I promise to do my best to keep any danger to befall you."

"And I promise to be a loyal and devoted wife. I promise to stand behind you in every decision you make and advise you to the best of my abilities. I promise to be the best Mother I can to any children we might have and teach them well." Dahlia smiled again, a blush coming back to her cheeks when Robb kept his blue eyes on her, pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "This moment seem to be better than any vows we might exchange in a wedding."

The Crossed Rose - GoT - R.S.Where stories live. Discover now