Creating a better future Prt: 1/1

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Severus averted his gaze when those jade green eyes met his. He wanted nothing more than to meet those eyes and see what would happen. But as it was, Severus doubt anything would come from it. He was a lanky teenager with too big of nose and his fingers stained from his experimental potion-making. As much as he hated Potter and Black, they made a point, who would ever want him? 

“Severus, where are you?” Lucius poked his friend.

“I am here, Lucius,” Severus rolled his eyes. 

“Daydreaming about Assistant Professor Peverell?” Narcissa chimed in from across the table, “You know he isn’t that much older than us. Only two years and we are graduating in a month.”

“Doesn’t matter, he would never want me,” Severus muttered spreading his food across the plate. He had barely eaten again. Not noticing that the jade green eyes had never turned away.

“Severus, you are quite the catch, with your keen intelligence and quick wit,” Narcissa attempted to soothe her friend, damn Potter and her cousin, “Plus he seems to favor you. He gives you the most points without drawing attention to it. You do realize that, don’t you?”

“Severus, you realize he does look at you,” Lucius added arching his eyebrow, “In class, he watches you the most and nearly hovers by you near practical.”

“Sure, he does,” Severus scoffed, finally laying his fork down.

“Mr. Snape, Mr. Malfoy, and Ms. Black” a voice startled the trio as the slightly rough voice of Assistant Professor Peverell.

Looking at the man standing next to a seated Severus, caused the trio to straighten up from their relaxed positions.

“Mr. Peverell, was there something you needed?” Lucius inquired seeing as his friend was minutely panicking.

“I was actually wanting to talk to you three about a project I’m working on,” Peverell explained smiling slightly at Severus, whose heart sped up just tiny bit.

“Please sit with us, or would you prefer somewhere else?” Narcissa offered motioning to the empty seat next to Severus.

“No, no, here is fine.” Peverell went to sit down letting out a small hiss when he was finally seated.

The hiss drew Severus attention, but Narcissa beat him to the question, “Sir, are you okay?”

Peverell grinned slightly, “I am fine, just this weekend was rough.”

“What happened?” Narcissa asked concerned.

“Don’t worry about me, it was just a scuffle with some unsavories, you just worry about your fiancé” Peverell replied waving off her concern and ignoring Lucius’s intrigue. 

Severus glanced around, before reaching into his bookbag and pulled out a mild pain-reliever, “Sir, you should take this potion, it might help.”

Peverell laughed, “I’m okay, Mr. Snape. Thank you for your kindness though. You should save those potions for Binn’s class. A headache inducing class if I ever saw one.”

“I really must insist, sir. That sounded like it hurt you,” Severus frowned pushing the potion in Peverell’s hand watching Peverell wavering in accepting it.

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