"once you stop calling me 'idiot'. and we all know that won't happen," she grinned and held up the flyer. "look!"

he snatched the paper and scanned it. "hm. i'll give it to my parents at home." the two then walked to class and sat down in their seats. y/n saw deku and waved, except he wasn't paying attention. she frowned and looked up at the front of the classroom when mr. aizawa walked in.

"all right, class. i know it's friday and all, but you guys better study this weekend. you've got your test on monday, and i'm not tolerating anyone who fails, because i think my class was pretty easy."

"pffft, 'easy'," y/n quoted and bakugou rolled his eyes.

aizawa walked over and glanced down at y/n. "would you like to share that with the class, ms. l/n?"

y/n gulped and tried her best to not stare down at his lips. "yes sir. wait- i meant no sir. i do not want to share anything with the class, my bad."

he hummed and walked back to the front of the class while y/n sighed and slumped down in her chair.

bakugou snickered. "someone's down bad for aizawa sensei. gross, isn't he like 15 years older than you?"

"age is just a number." (a/n: pov: you're speaking with the mha fandom)

"and jail is just a place."

aizawa than spoke up again. "so we will be playing kahoot to study." (a/n: idk if they have kahoot in japan or not)


math class has just finished and y/n and bakugou walked out, y/n holding a lollipop in her hand in victory while bakugou slumped.

"you just mad i got first," y/n stuck her tongue out. "what happened with 'i'm going beat all of you extras'?"

"shut up!" he snapped and y/n laughed. "you cheated! you used a calculator when he said to solve the stupid problems by hand!"

"boo, you mad." y/n could hear someone calling her name, but she couldn't see who it was due to all the loud and moving students. i heard it this morning, too. who is calling me? is that you, God?

"oh, did you and uraraka do the project well?" she asked.

bakugou chuckled. "we didn't talk at all. we did them separatelyat our houses. the only thing we said was asking which slides each of us should do and an 'okay'."


y/n and bakugou walked into their english class and sat down in their seats. y/n grinned when she saw deku walk in.

"hey, y/n," deku said and sat down next to her. "are you ready to present our project?"

"no sir," she groaned. "but we have to anyway-" y/n gasped and held her stomach as she felt painful cramps stab her stomach area. she laid her head on the table and winced in agony.

deku panicked. "y-y/n! are you okay? oh crap. should i get the teacher? should we take you to the nurse?"

"it's okay, i'm fine," she lied. "just cramps." she felt nauseous for a second, but the feeling then went away.

𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃,i. midoryia ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz