"Hehe, hello everyone."

"You are alright?"

Lang Qianqiu asked taking Wei WuXian hands and checking for injuries. He took Wei WuXian from Xie Lian and made him lean against himself. Seeing him looking for injuries on the hands, Xie Lian shook his head and gestured to Wei WuXian's back. Mu Qing dashed towards the door, shouting.

"Those fucking mortals. I'm gonna- let me go Dianxia. Don't-."

"Mu Qing!"

Xie Lian called stopping him. Feng Xin moved to front and asked:

"Why didn't you bring us along. I wanted to give them a piece of my mind too."

Seeing Xie Lian just ignoring them and talking to Ling Wen about something, Mu Qing turned to San Lang who was standing side by side with Wei WuXian and talking with him.

You Crimson Rain Sought Flower!Why the fuck did you close the door. I wanted to see those Lans too."

"Calm down both of you."

Xie Lian said appearing between his husband and friends. Wei WuXian squirmed out of his Lang-Shushu's hold and said:

"Yeah! Calm down, grumpy uncles."

"You- you get yourself beaten and still-"

Feng Xin said but stopped sighing and rubbing his forehead. He sighed again while Mu Qing rolled his eyes seeing the death glare from San Lang directed at both of them.

"Jiujiu there's no need to be so dramatic. I'm really alright."

"What do you mean A-Xian!
Even I wanna visit them for a friendly little talk."

Pei Ming said as he smiled at his nephew and touched his cheeks. Wei WuXian sputtered.

"Wh-wh-Pei-Xiong what the-
Honestly, don't you all have anything else to do."

"Then let me just do a quick check on these Gusu Lans. "

Ling Wen said as she nodded to herself and then proceed to stand up. Wei WuXian threw his hands in the air and yelled.

"YIMA! Not you too. "

"It was a misunderstanding. They will punish their disciple in their own ways."

Xie Lian said stopping Ling Wen who was walking out of his Palace to her own. San Lang stopped giving spiritual energy to his son and patted his back. Wei WuXian stuck out his tongue at his father. San Lang walked towards where Xie Lian was standing.

"Gege. I'll go to Black Water Demon Lair."

"Go ahead, San lang."

Xie Lian said smiling. Wei WuXian waved his hand at his father and said cheerfully.

"Bye bye, A-Diē."

"Still smiling?
Come home with your Baba soon."

San Lang said and pressed ba kiss on Wei WuXian's forehead. San Lang stepped away and disappeared into a sea of butterflies and the butterflies also disappeared to just silver dust.

Remind me to ask A-Diē to give me back my butterflies. Ok? I miss them already."

Wei WuXian spoke very seriously to Xie Lian tapping his chin. Xie Lian laughed and said.

"I will."

"Who is this idiot Lan something Qiren?"

Pei Ming asked as soon as Xie Lian finished telling the events that happened today. Ling Wen replied.

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