Hickey, Hickey

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"Why?" Her question was never answered due to the crowd growing more loud than usual. Both Hermione and I turned to the middle of the room where Ron stood on a table, confetti raining down on him. A girl with curly blonde hair climbed up on the table beside him.

And then she did the unexpected.

She smashed her lips to his.

And he didn't object.

I cheered my friend on along with everyone else. Almost everyone else, that is. Hermione gasped, more out of hurt than shock. She muttered an apology as she backed into Dean Thomas, pushing her way out of the common room.

I followed after her, down two long corridors, up a set of stairs, and down another hallway before I lost her. A faint crying drew my attention to an empty classroom. I carefully made my way in to see her sitting on some concrete steps. A few little birds flew around her head.

She sniffled, but didn't attempt to hide her tears as she noticed my presence."Charms spell. I'm just practicing." She explained.

"They're really good." I complimented as I sat down next to her. I hesitantly wrapped my arm around in her in what I hope was a comforting gesture. She leaned into the embrace, letting the tears fall silently.

"Harry?" She asked after a few moments.


"Your secret girl...have you ever felt a kind of stinging pain in your chest?" She wiped a tear away. "Not like jealousy. It hurts....more."

I let out a small laugh. "More than you may be able to imagine."

"What does it feel like for you?"

A laughing from down the hall pulled me out of my thoughts . The blonde girl and Ron skipped into the room, hand in hand. They both stopped when they saw Hermione's tear streaked face.

"Oops. I think this rooms taken." The girl said quickly, not seeming the slightest bit sympathetic. She tried to drag Ron off, but he stayed in place. He looked longingly at Hermione. Ron was never good with words. But anything would have been better than what he said next.

"What's with the birds?" He asked.

"Oppugno." Hermione muttered. All at once, the birds flew at Ron with surprising accuracy. He ducked out of the way in time to avoid their beaks crashing into him, but not without a final glance at Hermione.

Hermione let out a sob as she leaned against my shoulder.

I think Hermione may know me better than she thinks she does. The feeling of hopelessness and anger when you see the one you want with another is something we apparently both share.

And I had my answer to her question. "It feels like this. Exactly like this."


Cassiopeia Nott

"Tis better to have loved and lost," Theo started as I strolled into the common room.

"Than never to have loved at all." I finished. "Alfred, Lord Tennyson. I'm surprised it wasn't Shakesphere again." I mused. I joined him in leaning on the back of the common room couch.

"I'm switching things up. Those poetry lessons father had arranged for us payed off. I impressed Blaise." He grinned.

"I thought Blaise was the one always trying to impress you."

"You take a little, you give a little." He shrugged, furrowing his eyebrows. "That makes no sense. I think I got it mixed up." He shook his head. "It's whatever. I wasn't going to slay the world with my words anyway. My good looks should be enough."

Addictive; Harry PotterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt