109 9 225

Tagged by xvsooyaax lol

Name |Lea

Age |16

Height |now why u comin for my 4'11 ass

Weight |43 kg

Online girl friends |@ all my friends

Online boy friends |show urself ?????

Last hug |my mom

Crush |I have one bye

Ever fallen in love | yep

Fave food |pastries omg

Face color |purple, blue

Who you texted last |my sissy

Longest relationship |16 years w myself

Battery percentage |72 lol

Eye color |brown

Addiction |coffee?? Idk

Fav animal |kittens ig or bunnies

Fav band |blackpink in ur area

Piercing |doubles on my earlobes

Ever sang in the shower |I do paid concerts in there smh

One wish |hmm that's kinda hard, ig that everyone gets what they deserve lol

Country |come on m8 a little privacy

Best time of ur life |now me thinks

Pets |sorry ✨allergies✨

Plan to get married |highkey married to _moonrabbits_

First kiss |naur

Insecure |rarely lmaooo

Self harm |never

Who do you love |myself

Miss anyone rn |yea damn covid

Hair color |black

Relationship status |nonexistent

Last song |same old love - Selena

Biggest fear |not being able to help my loved ones

Believe in ghosts |nope

Been depressed |yes

Felt lonely |been there done that

Changed clothes in car |wild questions oop- yes asnhshshs

Something you hate |toxic ppl

Smth u wish u could change in yourself |nothing rn tbh, I'm surprised

Second chances |depends

Do you like yourself |im in love with myself lmaooo

Sleep with door opened or closed |do people leave their door open???????????? Bye

Tag 25 ppl oh fuck


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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