New rules

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Mother dearest told me less than thirty minutes ago that we were to go pick up a new student, one that was thought to be a little, but not for sure. To top it all off I will be the caregiver, and I just don't know if that's the best idea. I never had a little to take care of because not a lot of people knew about his school and those who did knew it for the kinky people in it. To be fair the school has a few other types of relationships but it's a pretty small school with less than 30o students and most of them being littles and caregivers. It doesn't surprise me that many think it's kink school since the school was made for those learning who are into kinkys and need to learn and practice so they do it safely before they leave but mostly littles who have had traumatic pasts.

A knock at the door pulled me out of my thoughts, "draco son, we're leaving," quickly i made my way to the door before following my moher to the car, "the car ride is going to be around an hour then we will get their, pick the kid up and come back." I hated the way my mom acted and talked when no one was around to impress. My father too. They were both awful people, manipulative, abusive assholes who should have never had a kid. I would never tell that to them nor anyway, it was my little secret that no one needed to know about.

I stared out the window blankly not thinking about anything, just staring out at the scenery, well that was until we pulled into a driveway. I was told the usual behavior or else before we were on our way to the door. Once the door opened a young blonde woman was revealed, with a brightly loving smile, "Hello great to see you Nas, been quite some time, couldn't even recognize you for a second," she stated while opening the door and leading us to a well organized living room.

"It has been quite some time, hasn't it?" mother said with a smile making me want to gag, "Where's the young boy we are taking back to campus with us?"

'eager much, geez', I thought as I rolled my eyes.

The boy who I now knew as Harry was shouted for as well as told to bring his luggage. I prepared myself for lots of luggage, most of it unnecessary but I wasn't prepared for one small suitcase and a backpack on his back. Hell, I was even prepared for his cuteness.

Mother commented on his wardrobe, which being honest didn't seem to fit him but he can wear whatever he likes, it's his body, but his comeback was amazing. If you started and played attention you could tell he was faking it but he just agreed saying how good he looks. Mother then completely change the subject decided to mention oh so how much of a hurry we are in and how quickly we need to leave but of course i go along with it and walk right up to the short, messy haired boy.

" you're the troubled soul, hm? Aren't you a cute thing?" I asked with a smirk not missing the rose color that spread across his cheeks before taking the suitcase and walking straight out, waiting for Harry to come outside to join father in the car.

Seeing Harry walk out I walk up gently grabbing his wrist before leading him to the car, taking his backpack and getting into the car, mentioning the long car ride ahead. The whole way there was silent and as soon as we did get their both my oh so loving parents left as quickly as they could, leaving me and harry in the car,

"Well how about I show you to our dorm and go over rules and such?" I asked to receive only a nod.

Quickly grabbing his things i led him to the room telling him ill be back and he can unpack before we go over rules and such.

After I showed him his room I went straight to mine. I didn't know what to do, I've only ever learned how to take care of a little but I don't think I will be the best for him. He seems to like to swear and is standoffish, and I don't know if I can help him or if I'm only going to make it worse and that stresses me out. However i knew even if i was stressed out i needed to help harry, and i couldn't do that if i hid myself in my room so i quickly rinsed my face with cold water and went back to harry's room down the hall.

Entering the room I saw his suitcase opened but nothing moved out into the almost full closet. His backpack looked slightly deflated but closed and Harry was sound asleep on the twin sized bed snuggling what looked like a dirty worn down bunny.

I knew dinner would start in roughly an hour and I still needed to go over the rules but he looks so relaxed while sleep and the bags under his eyes showed how desperate he was for some sleep so I decided to just go to the living room and began to go over rules and write schools rules and the dorm rules down.


Words: 920

This one has been rewrote too hope everyone enjoys :)

- tell next time

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