Maddi smiled at his lips touching her forehead "I love you too." The girls left the common room, heading for the Ravenclaw ones "I meant absolutely none of that" she laughed "If a fight starts, the bitch is going down" she smirked as she headed for the common room, her friends by her side 

Ginny seen the look on her sister face, the look she'd seen so many times before, the look she knew meant trouble. "Maddi, remember, if mum finds out we've been in a fight she'll kill you and me and then the boys for letting it happen" she laughed

Maddi flipped her hair over her shoulder, her walk had one main affect. Venom. She laughed "Oh don't worry, I'll be fine if she learns I won" another evil smile peered on her face. Cho didn't stand a chance, nobody fucked with Harry, especially if they were taking Fred and Cedric down with them 

When they got to the entrance of the Ravenclaw common room they were met by the Eagle, everyone turned to look at Luna who stepped forward and answered the riddle, allowing them to go in "CHO FUCKING CHANG!" her voice echoed through the entire tower "I NEED TO SPEAK TO YOU!" she shouted once more, this time with a fake sweet tone 

Then Charlie came down the stairs "Maddi, I have a headache, can you stop fucking shouting, please?" he laughed, hugging the very angry girl "whats wrong anyway?" he asked his new friend. They'd gotten a lot closer since they started speaking in potions 

Maddi looked at the calm Ravenclaw "Cho decided to kiss Harry, knowing he was" she thought again, it'd been so long and she still had no clue what Harry and Fred were "whatever they are and knowing it'd cause some shit between Cedric and Harry!" 

Charlie seemed shocked, his eyes were huge and he was stuck on what to say "uh- well, I-" he gave up even trying to make sense of anything "yeah, I don't have a clue on what to say, she's at practice, she'll be back in twenty, you can wait in her room if you want" he pointed up to the stairs, kissing her forehead "see ya later, bubbles" he tapped her on her back 

Maddi laughed and rolled her eyes "wow, sticking with the nickname, fun" she joked, watching him sit on the couch as she walked to Cho's room 

Luna looked to her, soon, one day, sister in law, "soo... bubbles" she teased at the nickname "something going on between you and Charlie?" she smiled

Maddi looked at Hermione who was just smiling to herself "nope, he's uh-" she giggled at the thought of people thinking something about her and Charlie "he's gay" 

Thats when Ginny chimed in "no, she fucked his brother though" she laughed, walking ahead of the others

Maddi hung her head, slightly laughing "yup, I did, and isn't it correct you fucked Su-" before she could finish her sentence Ginny threw her hand over her mouth, making Luna raise an eyebrow 

Ginny gave a death stare to her sister "Drunken mistake, not to be mentioned, okay?" she smiled at her girlfriend, kissing her cheek, taking her hand in her own "anyway, Cho's dorm, ew" she shuddered at the door. As the girls walked in, it seemed normal, just like Lunas room, well, Cho's didn't have their friends group pictures in, or the bright pink bedding, instead, Cho had pictures of her and her own friends, the usual Ravenclaw bedding and half a picture on the floor, which Maddi was standing on. 

Noticing she was doing so, she picked the picture up, seeing the back first, it had Cho's writing on the back, however, she couldn't make all the words out, half of them must have been on the other half of the picture. 'Me and the others at Hogsmeade' written in her neat writing , Maddi turned the picture around, wondering what it was, then she seen it. It was her face, a picture from last year, Cedrics arm around one of her shoulders. She remembered that day as if it were yesterday. 

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