The Day Of The Ranking

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Much of J2Trappy's life passed in a similar fashion, an endless cycle of drill, failure, repeat. While discontent, he had always held on to the notion that things could not get any worse. Poor J2Trappy, little did he know he was about to experience the worst day of his life.

Sitting down to circle time, Triggz and his drillaz were discussing the Ranking. Blood running cold, J2Trappy knew that yet again he was going to be violated. Practising his gang gestures under his sleeves to calm himself down, he told himself that it wasn't the end of the world, only pussyoles cared about other people's opinions. It was only ranking, he knew he had more potential than they'd ever see, it didn't matter anyway.

Oh dear, how wrong he was. Usually, he was ranked least roadmanly, but this year was different. They were giving the class labels, and J2Trappy dreaded to see what his would be. At the end of the list as usual, he fidgeted nervously, palms clammy, as he waiting for his name to be read out.

Chortling, Triggz looked him dead in the eye and said with an evil smirk "J2Trappy: least likely to trap".

J2Trappy felt as though the ground was falling away. Time slowed, or sped up, he couldn't tell. The world spiralled into a multicoloured whirl, he heard laughter from somewhere far away, or was that his own hyperventilation? He felt dizzy, weak, as though his mind were somewhere out of his body, and his heartbeat seemed to pulse in thundering drumbeats of doom... 

'least likely to trap'

'least likely to trap'


J2Trappy was crushed, 8 years old, with a whole life of trapping ahead of him, shattered with one sentence. He tried to kiss his teeth nonchalantly, but to his horror he felt tears rising instead. This was just too much, his whole life was ruined, condemned to traplessness forever. He felt that he had no purpose any more. To live without trap was not to live at all. He may as well stop wearing puffer jackets, it was so hopeless. 

Hours could have passed while he sat in his stunned despair, but when he came to, J2Trappy began to feel a surge of anger. How dare they assume he would never trap? True, he wasn't the most promising roadman these endz had ever seen, but people can change. People can grow. HE would grow. 

"JUST YOU WAIT YOU WASTEMAN, I'LL PROVE YOU WRONG!" He shouted. Not at Triggz of course, at his bedroom wall. 

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