Accidents happen

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*the next day*

I heard a knocking at my door and started to panic a bit. I looked at my outfit. I was wearing a kneehigh grey dress, a black button-up sweater with a red buckle and a dark silver layered necklace. My bangs were braided and the rest of my hair laid on my shoulders. I grabbed my purse and threw my phone in it.

"Fang move!" I screamed, tripping over the dog.

Three more knocks and I was about to lose it.

"I'm coming!" I screamed, slipping on my high heel shoe.

I ripped the door open to find Spencer leaning casually against the doorframe.

"Aren't you feisty this morning?" he teased, causing me to push him playfully.

"Be quiet," I snapped as he twirled my hair around his index finger.

I quickly grabbed my black peacoat and threw it over my shoulders, not bothering to do it up.I pushed Spencer out of my way and locked my apartment door. I turned to Spencer, who jingled his car keys in front of me.

"I'm driving," he smiled.

"Whatever," I mumbled, getting into his car.

"Don't be like that Jessica," he sighed as he got in the car beside me.

He leaned over and kissed my cheek. I turned pink as a low chuckle rose from beside my ear. He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"C'mon, why don't we go for dinner tonight after work? My treat," he smiled, starting the car.

I shrugged him off, looking out the window.

"Why are you being so distant?" he asked.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I snapped, avoiding his question.

I didn't know why I was being so distant, I had never been in a relationship before. I had never had enough time.

"Well, you are a beautiful, smart and amazing girl... Why wouldn't I be nice to you?" he replied, causing my already pink face to redden.

"Jessica, you mustn't feel embarrassed," he chuckled.

I shook my head.

"I'm not embarrassed, I'm flattered, Spencer," I replied quietly.

He leaned over and kissed my cheek. I was tempted to move my head last second, so his soft lips would fall on mine. Alas, I had chose not to. My oxytocin levels were flaring up. I needed to get out of this confined space as soon as possible.

"Can we please go to work now?"

I asked like a child.

"Of course," Spencer replied, his eyes locking with mine.

He started to lean in, before I broke away, giving my undivided attention to the road. I felt him try to say something, his breath catching in his throat. He quickly cleared it, turning his brown eyes to the road. I sighed, the words stuck on the tip of my tongue. I shook my head, knowing I would sound like an imbecile if I spoke them. I knew the words, they hadn't been used on someone like Spencer Reid. Only on my parents, had they been spoken. I was going to let it slip out my lips, I tried to restrain myself but; 

"I think I love you, Spencer." 

And with that, he slammed on the brakes.

Inside A Lover's Mind (Criminal Minds Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now