I paled.

Jack looked between the both of us with confusion written on his face. I exhaled and glanced at Maggie who was wide-eyed.

"Haha.. you're funny Neville."

"I am? Why?"

"Pretending we didn't spend the summer together? That's real clever."

Neville looked at me concerned and then his features relaxed and he nodded.

"I know right? I'm hilarious, you don't give me enough credit." He said.

"What did you two do anyway?" Jack questioned.

Neville and I both spoke up in unison.
"Uhh that's none of your business."
"We went shopping for shoes."

I mentally face palmed. Shopping for shoes? Really Neville?

"Uh Amelia can I speak with you in private?" Neville asked.

I nodded and walked out of the compartment and into the isle. He followed and slid the door closed behind us.

"What was that?" He asked.

I wrung my hands nervously and looked anywhere but his big curious eyes. He wasn't going to take this well.

"I was with someone.. that I don't want my brother to find out about so I lied and told him I was with you.. and then I told my parents I was staying with Mags."

"Please don't tell me it's who I think it is." He said exasperated.

I gave him a guilty smile and he rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You're jokin' right?"

I shook my head solemnly.

"I wish I was."

"His dad is a death eater Millie!"

I winced and held onto my arms.

"I know Neville, I know. But Draco's different.. he has a better side. I'm not defending him from being a bully and hurting you and others but if he can change, don't you want him to?"

Neville looked down and balled his fists. He shook his head trying to find the right words and he looked up at me very warily.

"You promise me that you know what you're doing? You promise that you won't let him hurt anyone else?"

I couldn't promise something like that. Especially not with his task in mind. I didn't want to hurt Neville anymore than I had.

"I can't.. promise. But I will try, ok?" I said.

I could tell he wasn't satisfied with that answer but he gave a small nod. He walked away without another word and I let out a puff of air. I didn't deserve him as a friend, really.

I walked through the isle and came to a car that was full of Slytherins. Most of them gave me dirty looks or ignored me. The boy I was looking for looked up at me and his eyes found mine. He got up and Pansy furrowed her brows and said something to him. He shook his head and nodded to me to go to the next car over. I nodded and waited for a minute for him to leave and then I followed.

"Hey.." I said.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"No, I just wanted to make sure you were ok."

He nodded and glanced back at the car we came out of. He looked very tense.

"Someone used a dumb spell or something to black out the car. I think it was a diversion. Someone's spying on me and I think it's Potter."

"Black out? Like in the forest?" I asked.

"Yeah, it was just like that."

The Weasley's could've had something to do with it. Or someone who used one of their prank items.

"Oh.." I replied, unsure if I wanted to tell him.

"You think it's Harry?" I asked.

"Damn git got my father sent to azkaban." He spoke bitterly.

I took his hands in mine and felt that they were cold. I squeezed them trying to bring warmth back. I couldn't help but glance at the arm where the dark mark was inked into his skin.

"I'm still here." I offered.

"For how long? Until your brother finds out? Or until I kill someone."

"Draco.. we'll figure it out."

"We can't. I can't do this. If I end up hurting you I won't forgive myself."

"Then screw it. Screw this hiding. If people see how you really are, maybe things can change."


"Let's stop hiding Draco!"

He shook his head.

"No Amelia."

"Why not? I don't care about my brother finding out anymore, I just care about you. Can't you just suck it up and-"

"I have a reputation. If it gets out that I'm with you that could end up bad in so many ways."

I stepped away taking my hands back.

"So that's all you care about? Your reputation?"

"We'll be outcasts. Someone could hurt you especially since you're fraternizing with the enemy. And your friends won't ever speak to you again. And.. the death eaters could use you against me."

"This is just school Draco, there aren't any death eaters at school!"

"Actually.. well I need to tell you-"

The door to the car opened and we both jumped back from each other. Luckily it was just a few second years. They rushed past us and went into a compartment.

I looked back at Draco and folded my arms.

"So what's it gonna be?" I asked.

"We can't. I can't do this to you."

I sighed.

"Go back to your friends, I need to go back to mine." He turned away and opened the door walking back to his 'friends'.

I groaned in frustration and went back to the compartment Maggie and Jack were in. I sat down and looked out the window trying to stop my frustration from turning into angry tears.

The rest of the train ride was miserable.

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