First day:new term

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"Wake up you fat bitch!"My brother kyler shouted , while throwing a foot ball at my head

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"Wake up you fat bitch!"
My brother kyler shouted , while throwing a foot ball at my head.

"Could you not !"
I screamed back at him , throwing the ball back at him. Which he just so happened to catch

"Ooh , good throw , maybe just a bit more force , and you could probably get on the team."

"No thanks, I'll pass, now can you get out of my room."
I replied with a straight face.

"Sure , and also , do you need a ride to school,  I'm riding with Brucks today so,"

Ugh , Jasmine decided to leave without me today , and I would probably faint half way if I walked to school.
But my brothers friend -Brucks- is forever perving on me.

Ill just call shotgun before he can!

"Uh, yeah sure , only if I get to ride shotgun!"

"Mk , hurry up though, Coach said I need to get to school early for some practice runs!"

I quickly got up to have a shower brush my teeth and get changed into my outfit for today.

*outfit for toda


And ran into my brothers car

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And ran into my brothers car.

  "Jesus, that shirt of yours is hanging on for dear life."

"I like to see it fall of."
Whispered brucks in a volumes loud enough for me and kyler to make out the word he was saying.

We just turned around , and gave him the the biggest death stare he has ever witnessed.

Thats my specialtie
Death Stares.

And honestly,  my stares a probably the only reason people even stayed away from me.

The only person immune to my stares is Jasmine.

Honestly I think that's the only reason we talk to each other more then she does with moon a sam.

But anyways after turning back around we headed of for a new term at our shitty school.

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