"Ugh whatever." I groan in annoyance.

"So lunch with me tomorrow?" He asks and I can tell he has a smirk on his face.

"Yes Harry." I sigh but can't hide the small smile that appears on my face.

"Good." He says. "Night Selena." He says in amusement.

"Goodnight Harry." I smile and with that he hangs up.

☀ ☀ ☀

Waking up i feel my body sink down into the mattress, clearly wanting to remain feeling warm and cuddled into the sheets. I reach over to my bed side table and grab my phone to read it's ten thirty. I'm surprised at how late it is but am glad i got a full night sleep. Getting up and making my bead i head towards my bathroom. Taking my body a quick shower and brushing my teeth i walk back into my room and grab a pair of matching nude laced bra and panties. After putting them on and walking into my closet i find a pair of black skinny jeans, a beige quarter sleeve button up and my nude Louboutins.

I managed to finish my makeup faster than usual. Also only took about thirty minutes to straighten my hair. My hair has gotten longer and I've been debating for weeks now to cut it or not. But as usual I decide not to since I prefer long hair rather than short. Grabbing my purse I make my way to the living room.

When I enter I giggle when I see Chris sitting at the dinner table with his head in his hands. "Wow." I laugh.

"Shut. The. Mother fuck. Up." He says slowly. He groans and looks up then cocks an eyebrow. "Where the fuck are you going? It's our day off you're suppose to make me breakfast and take care me like always!" He asks.

"I'm going out for a bit." I answer simply.

"Well obvious shit. Where is my question." He laughs.

"Lunch." I answer.

"I want to come!" He pouts.

"You can't." I sigh.

"Ew what the fuck. Why not?" He chuckles.

"I'm having lunch with Harry." I mumble under my breath.

"Hold on. Let's back up real quick." He says with raised eyebrows. "You're having lunch with the king?" He asks.

"Yes" I sigh in a whisper.

"Holy shit." He gasps. 

"It's eleven thirty and i told him i'd be there and he takes his lunch at twelve so i have to go." I chuckle and grab my purse and car keys off the table. 

"I want details and an explanation when you're back slut!" He shouts as i make my way out of our apartment. Unlocking my car i hop inside and open up maps so i can get there. 


When i pull up i widen my eyes slightly. I thought Niall's building was huge. This is one is even taller. The entire building looks mirror- the way most buildings here look. I park in the parking lot, due to the amount of spaces that were taken i had to park slightly far. After parking i hope out of my car, put my phone in my purse and make my way towards the building. As i approach i hesitate to open the door due to the nerves but gasp when a doorman opens it for me and greets me with a warm hello and a smile. I give him a shy smile and walk inside. Instantly feeling completely out of place. The building though is insanely nice and modern. White walls, white tiled floor, black elevator doors. The words "Styles Enterprises Holding INC." hung on the wall right when you walk in in black. Right underneath is what i'm guessing is the main front desk with a blonde receptionist. 

"Hello." A voice startles me from my left. I jump slightly and shake my head with a small chuckle when i come face to face with a really pretty red head with green eyes. Her grey knee length dress fitting perfect to her body with her black heels. Her red hair in a nice sleek back ponytail and her lips stained with red lipstick. "Can i help you something?" She smile sweetly. 

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