Chapter 24: An Idiot I Can't Hate: Part Two

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Mako stood on the empty field, looking out towards the school, a cocky grin covering her face. "Today's the day. The day we face the elite four! If we win, we'll have all the luxury we can stand!" She began laughing maniacally, her voice echoing across the empty field. She quickly turned to face Y/N and Ryuko, who had both just approached her. "You guys are late! Come on, we have to-" Before she could finish, she's hit in the face with two small envelopes. "Eh? What are these?" "Our resignation forms." Ryuko said. "We're quitting the club." Y/N added, coldly. "Wha- What do you mean quitting?! You can't just quit, we're so close!" "Sorry Mako. This had to be done." Y/N said. "But if you quit, we'll be sent back to the slums!" "We're fine with that." Ryuko said. "Well I'm not!" Mako yelled, stomping her foot down. "I'll never go back! Never e-" Before she finished, a wardrobe landed right behind her, startling the three. As the dust cleared, a bright light shined from the peak of the school.

"Fight Club president Mankanshoku. You're 2-star uniform is in that wardrobe. If you wish to keep all you've earned, then you must defeat
L/N and Matoi. If you succeed, you will be granted a three star uniform." Y/N glared at her, and Ryuko shouted. "Typical bitch! All you do is play dirty!" Satsuki smirked, and Ryuko began to pull the pin on her glove, but Y/N stopped her. "Don't worry. I can do this." She looked to him, worried. "Are you sure? You don't have to-" "Ryuko." Y/N looked deep into her blue eyes. He gave her a quick peck on the forehead. "Trust me." Slowly, she backed away, as Y/N approached Mako, who had just put on her uniform.

" Slowly, she backed away, as Y/N approached Mako, who had just put on her uniform

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Fight Club President
Mako Mankanshoku

Y/N quickly pulled his pin, gaining the familiar feeling of the black substance seep over his body, then harden into its shape. He readied his weapon as Mako charged at him, stopping just short to deliver a powerful drop kick, which was promptly blocked. She quickly stood up, hitting him with a series of powerful punches, which Y/N had a hard time blocking. Wasting no time, she pulled a spiked bat from her cloak and attempted to strike him with it. He sidestepped and narrowly avoided the weapon, then delivered his own powerful kick to her midsection, sending her flying back.

"Auugh!!" She screamed as she hit the ground. And it was that noise, the sound of Mako being in pain, that made him freeze. He looked down towards his hammer, then back at Mako, who was rising up from the ground. As she ran at him, he realized something. He couldn't hurt her. Even if she was a little lost, she was still his friend. With a sigh, he dropped his hammer as she continued running towards him. With a mighty punch, she launched him towards the wall, which he hit with enough force to leave a crater.

Ryuko looked on, shocked, then heard a car behind her. She turned to see Mako's family exit and enter the stands near her. She quickly ran over to them. "Guys, you need to stop Mako, she's gonna kill Y/N!" She pleaded. Barazo, looked at her, then back towards Mako,  who was currently pummeling Y/N even further into the ground. "Beat his ass Mako!" He shouted, much to the surprise of Ryuko. "You're supporting this!?" "Sorry Ryuko, but we just can't give up this life which we've become accustomed to." He said with a laugh. "We'll be sure to live on for both of you!" Sukuyo added.

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