Chapter 1: "Who Are You?"

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"Alrighty, I'm heading out!" Bennett was a very adventurous boy. Adventurous, but also very unlucky. He would always get one or two injuries from an adventure he goes out on. "Don't go to far! Be home before
dark!" Bennett lived with his mother in Mondstadt. She was always worried about him when he went out. Bennett would go out at least once a day! He sure did like going out a lot. While on his adventures, he would always look for some sort of treasure to bring back his mom. He knew that his mom was worried so he would never go out without bandages so he could patch himself up before going home.
Bennett has never been lucky. For his entire life he's been nothing but unlucky. He'd been walking for quite a while finding nothing. But eventually, he had found a small stream of water. His face lit up as he started to walk towards it. He came close but then, hydro slimes popped out of thin air and started attacking. Using his vision, he disposed most of them. He became exhausted and fell onto the ground. The slimes took this opportunity to attack. 'A-am I gonna die?' Bennett had horrible thoughts running through his head. He closed his eyes tightly and accepted his fate. Just then, he hears a big booming sound. Silence took over. He slowly opened his eyes to see a person. He was wearing a hood so he couldn't their face from behind. "Who are you?"
Authors note: Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Honestly, it was supposed to be longer but it's been a while since I've posted anything so I wanted to get it out, sorry :(

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