Part 2

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Steve turns and glares at Tony. "Tony, why is she here? Are you trying to get laid?"

Tony gives Steve an exasperated look. "She's here because I need help running this place. The day to day shit is tedious and I'm done doing it. And no."

"No- what?" Nat raises her eyebrow at Tony.

"No, I'm not trying to get laid. She worked for Fury before me. He likes her, and I don't feel like pissing him off." Tony starts collecting the blueprints to bring them to Y/N for safe keeping.

"She worked for Fury and you're trusting her?" Steve growls at Tony.

Tony rolls his eyes in annoyance. "Yup."

"Good enough for me. I think I'm going to like her." Nat looks to Steve. "Steve, if Mr. Paranoia checked her out she's fine."

Steve huffs out a breath but drops the subject and gets back to the renovation details.

Three days later you've started to settle into a routine. You're in the kitchen making breakfast humming to yourself when you hear someone walking into the kitchen behind you and stop.

"Morning, breakfast is almost ready and the coffee should be done." You call out over your shoulder without looking behind you. Most everyone has been great and you love that you're helping them out.

Instead of the usual cheery greeting from one of the team members, silence is the only response to you. Then you hear a sigh. You know instantly, without turning around it's Steve. You want to roll your eyes but hold back. His attitude is starting to grate on your nerves. He's been a royal jerk since you've started. He's either staring at you with those damn piercing blue eyes or ignoring you. You haven't been alone with him in a room since you've started and his silence is making you nervous.

"Why are you here?" He asks in a soft aggressive tone.

You reply cheerily, "To make breakfast and then meet with the contractor who is going to redesign the west wing training room after yesterday's accident." You continue you with what you're doing hoping he'll just go away.

Steve persisted, "No, I mean why are you here? Did Fury send you to keep an eye on us?"

You turn around to confront him and realize he's quietly walked up behind you. There are only inches between your body and his. Being close enough to feel his body heat is unsettling and is giving you butterflies in your stomach.

"I... I'm here because Mr. Stark hired me to be here. My prior employers have no further claim to my time. Now, Captain Rogers if you'll back up, I'll get your coffee for you." His nearness makes you stutter at first but you pull yourself together.

"Don't bother. I can get it." He stares at you intently raising the hair on the back of your neck. His stunning blue eyes boring into you.

"G-Great!" You turn back to tending the scrambled eggs and bacon.

He breathes in deeply and then sighs, his breath fluttering the small hairs on the back of your neck and sending shivers down your spine. You hear voices approaching the kitchen and he moves away from you. Nat, Bruce, Sam and Bucky walk in together, chatting and laughing.

You hear one of them let out an appreciative groan. "I can get used to this. It smells delicious." It's Bucky, hearing his voice makes you smile and gives you happy butterflies in your stomach.

"I know. It's only been a few days but I forget what it was like before Y/N showed up." Nat readily agrees.

You smile, it feels great to be appreciated by them. You turn toward them with platters in each hand. "Glad I can help. I know that I work for Mr. Stark but if any of you need assistance, part of me being here is to help out anyway I can. So, please just let me know." You grab your coffee and the breakfast burrito you made for yourself and start to leave to go to your office. " Have a great breakfast."

Bucky stops you "Hey Y/N. Why don't you meet us in the training room later? You might not be an avenger, but being in this building and around everyone, you should know how to protect yourself."

You smile at him, "Sgt. Barnes that's very nice of you. Director Fury gave me some instruction, but I'd love to learn anything you can teach me."

"Great meet me there at 2. You in Nat?" He looks over at Nat. She gives him a smirk and then shoots you a look. You realize he's asking her to make sure you feel comfortable being there. It's so sweet of him, you melt a little and you can't help but smile at him.

"Oh yea. We gotta make sure our girl can handle herself." Nat winks at you.

You hear a small snort in the corner and see Steve stirring his coffee shaking his head. He turns around and the two of you make eye contact. He just shakes his head, his expression back to that unreadable mask. Your smile falters slightly but you turn back toward Bucky. "Great see you guys then. You give them all a silent wave as you leave to meet with Tony. 

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