Part 2

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Chapter 2

Arizona's POV:

"Mommy, Momma. Can we go to the lake to feed ducks today?" Sofia asks early in the morning.

A: "What lake?"

C: "That's a lake me and Penny used to go to with her, to feed ducks."

S: "But can we?"

A: "Yeah i guess so. Me and Nicole's center first opens in a month."

C: "Okay we can buy some bread for the ducks right down the street."

A: "But Callie, don't you have to go to work?"

C: "I took a few weeks off."

S: "Can we have pancakes with chocolate chips for breakfast?"

C: "Sure we can honey."

I just stood and looked at Callie making breakfast. She was so pretty even though it was morning. She pulled her hand through her hair, and god she was hot, I miss her so much.

C: "What are you looking at?"

I got a shock and felt embarrassed.

A: "Oh nothing."

Callie's POV:

I caught Arizona looking at me, and when I exposed her, her cheeks turned red and she felt embarrassed. I keep getting these thoughts that I grab her head and push her up against the wall, while kissing her. I don't know if these thoughts are wrong, because she's my eks.

C: "Let's go to the lake."

S: "Yayyy"

We stand in line at the grocery store to buy some bread. And a guy starts talking to Arizona and tries to get her number. He asks "Are you single?" And I can see on Arizona's face that she doesn't feel comfortable. I interrupts...

C: "No she's not single. She's my wife."

I say, just so he can leave Arizona alone.

The guy: "Eww disgusting"

C: "Sorry what did you just say!!"

A: "Callie don't, he's not worth it"

C: "Yeah you right, come on Sofia lets go"

As we are on our way out of the store, the guy yells after us "Go to hell lesbians"

I'm grabbing a can of beans and throws after him and then we leave the store.

A: "Thank you for saying i was your wife to that jerk"

C: "Of Course anytime"

Arizona's POV

We get down to the lake, and me and Callie sits on a bench. Sofia takes the bread and runs down to feed the ducks. I wanna say something to Callie but i'm so nervous.

A: "To be honest Callie. I have really missed you."

Crap, Crap, Crap I did not just say that.

C: "I'm so glad you're telling me this. Because I have missed you so much Arizona you can not understand. I've been thinking about you everyday"

Omg I did not expect that at all.

A: "Maybe if you're up to it, we should give it another try?"

My heart was pounding so fast. Think if she says no.

C: "Really!! I would love too. Can I hug you? "

A: "Yes you can"

Callie gave me a hug, wow it felt good. We just sat and held hands. It felt like a day never left.

5 minutes later...

A: "Come on Sofia let's go home."

We went up to the road, and a car drove over to us and rolled the window down. It was the same man as in the grocery store. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at Callie. "This is for you, because you threw that beans at me you nasty gay." He shoots Callie with two bullets. One in the stomach and one in the chest. 

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