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Kols lips tug up as she sits next to Stacey and Stacey begins explaining how to play and win the game while Kol watched, he glanced over at Rebekah who was checking her nails, he quietly cleared his throat and she turned her head towards him, noticing Annabelle and she sent him a nod making his smile widen and he looks down to his controller.

"Okay..." Annabelle hummed as Stacey continued explaining. "Thanks, i think I got it— could we play with three players or is it just two...?" She asked.

"Oh, it's just two but it doesn't matter, we could take turns." Stacey shrugs.

"Actually, I'll be taking Kol with me." Rebekah suddenly appeared, keeping her eyes on Stacey while tugging on Kols hand who stared at her in disbelief.

"What— Rebekah, darling, perhaps you should take a nap, you seem to be going mad." Kol whisper yelled with annoyance, glaring at his younger sister.

Rebekah glared at him. "No, we need to get going. Remember the thing i spoke to you about."

"No, I don't." Kol glared at her as she took his arm and dragged him away. Annabelle and Stacey shared awkward looks before shrugging and deciding on playing together.

Once Kol and Rebekah were alone she looked at him. "I didn't know you had a death wish."

"Hush now." Rebekah crossed her arms. "You look like a lost puppy looking for an owner." She spoke and his eyebrows furrow making her roll her eyes and specify herself. "You look desperate."

"I a—"

"But don't show it." Rebekah rolls her eyes. "Show that you fancy her and that you're willing to change and understand, not that you'll go down on both knees and beg to court her." She told him.

"Just as you said, I may be too late, it's this small feeling, Rebekah." He started and ran a free hand through his hair. "I know you aren't telling me something and perhaps it's best I don't know but I need you to tell me one thing, anything that would give me hope," he put his hands on her shoulders, staring into her eyes. "Is there anyone Annabelle is speaking to— more than friends?"

"I don't know..."

Kol sighs and turns around and begins making his way back to Annabelle. Slowly, the two made conversation while Stacey was too focused on the video games. She then looks down to see the time. "I'm gonna be late for my shift and it needs to be quick for Elijahs dinner." She stands up.

Unlike most times when Kol would stop her, he bites his lip and nods. "You'll be back soon, yeah?"

Hesitantly, she hums and takes his car keys because walking towards the door, she turns her head and sees Kols eyes already on her, watching as his lips curl up to a soft smile that makes a small grin of her own form before walking out and closing the door.


Apparently, Elijah was very serious about the dinner, saying that the house was no longer normal and a house for psychopaths and so he wanted to change that making them have a normal family dinner and forced all of them to dress up. Arguing with Elijah is useless, he's both intimidating and stubborn, it would be useless to argue with him.

So, the gentlemen wore tuxedos. Caroline wore a light pink, almost beige halter dress. Katherine wore a black strapless dress that hugged her curves. Rebekah simply put on a red body-con dress. Stacey with a one shoulder purple dress then finally, Annabelle wore a red floral summer dress.

Now, they all sat quietly eating food with soft music playing, the only sound is the silverware making contact with the plates or someone pouring theirselves wine. Although there was tension in the room since all of them distanced after Aurelias death, their was one tension that was strongest.

𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𓆩𝐤𝐨𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧𓆪 ||2 Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz