"As it should, I did a lot of chores when I was young. You on the other hand...You don't look like the type to do these kinds of things"

"Well, you guessed correctly"

"Heh, you'd really be hopeless living alone without a good wife"

"I still have a lot of years to think about that, I'd rather enjoy my high school life normally" Hopefully, and make it through the 3 years. Just 3 years would be enough for me.

"Well, that doesn't concern me or anything, so let's head out"

As we finish eating our meal, Kushida quickly cleans up and keeps the dishes and utensils. We leave her room quickly before anybody sees us, and head over to school with a lot of time in our hands.

"The school sure is being thorough, do you think the test is going to be more than what Chabashira-sensei explained to us?" Kushida asked

"I think so, there's a lot going on right now, but it could be just to keep us preoccupied while the teachers set up for the exam"

"That could be the case, but the school is pretty big and it's run by the government. I'm sure they could afford to hire an organizer to do their work, and the past few days have been pretty free going for the students"

"Yeah, by the way, have you made any contact with any higher years?"

"I did, but none of them could give me any details on the exam, though it's not something new to them considering their reactions"

"I guess they made the higher years keep quiet to keep us in the dark, maybe to things more fair for the seniors who had to go through the same thing"

"Eh, isn't that some form of hazing? What terrible seniors we have, I bet they're just salty they did bad during their first year" Kushida said with an annoyed, but controlled tone

We eventually arrive at school after talking aimlessly and discussing about the upcoming exam a little. We enter the classroom and break away into our own business. Kushida is seated with a lot of our classmates and having fun as usual, while I face the reality of messing up my introduction and not making any friends. Horikita who was seated next to me seems to read my train of thoughts, and takes a jab at trying to get a reaction out of me.

"How sad it must be, to be such a lonely and gloomy person. You must be so desperate to make friends, maybe I might have to extend a helping hand from the kindness and generosity from my heart" Horikita says in an exaggerated and sarcastic tone

"Could you not speak in such a way, and aren't you lonely yourself?"

"I've said it before, and I will say it again. I am in no need of friends or companions, our classmates are utterly useless, and I'm still wondering why I got allocated to Class-D"

"Well, I've given my thoughts on this before, but you should change your attitude and approach when dealing with class matters. Having a few trustworthy friends is nice to have, they can help you when times get rough"

"I don't see anyone who could actually be helpful to me other than yourself, and even you're on the lower end of the spectrum of being helpful"

"You know, that would've been a nice compliment if you could just not include the last part"

"I didn't intend to compliment, I'm only stating what I believe is factual"

"If you were nicer, I'm sure you could have a lot of friends"

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