Jonathan Byers

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so basically you want to hit a photographer to take pics of you because you need pics for a resume since you wanna pursue acting (if that makes sense?) and Jonathan's ur friend so u hire him:)

Title: Not Weird

Fandom: Stranger Things

Character: Jonathan Byers

(Y/n)'s POV:
The bell rang and school was finally out. You got up out of your seat and went to your locker. You unlocked it, grabbed what you needed, and shut it. You walked outside to wait for Jonathan.

A few minutes later, Jonathan exited the school and approached you. You greeted each other and then walked to his car to drive to the quarry where you were going to take the pictures.

You listened to The Clash on the way there and talked about random things. You and Jonathan had always gotten along quite well. You were really his only friend and vice versa.

You were bullied somewhat frequently. You didn't really mind it. You knew how stupid other people were and didn't care much about what they thought. You would rather be real than a fake asshole.

You were a bit more outgoing than Jonathan, but you still weren't terribly extroverted. You often kept to yourself, but when you talked, you talked a lot. Jonathon always secretly enjoyed listening to you rant about whatever.

You had started to question your feelings for Jonathan a little while back. You felt a feeling different than the love you would have for a friend. You were afraid you were falling in love with him.

You never thought he'd feel the same way. You were best friends. That was all. Maybe you wanted more, but Jonathon likely didn't. You had been trying to push your feelings for him away so you could be best friends like you always had been.

You felt a tap on your shoulder and heard Jonathon say your name.

"Huh?" You asked, snapping out of your daze, pushing your feelings further and further away.

"We're here," Jonathan said.

"Oh. Right," you said.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. I was just thinking. It's nothing."

"Okay. Let's go."

You and Jonathan got out of his car and he got his camera. You walked closer to the water at the quarry. You were at the bottom, where the lake was (i guess that's how to describe it idk). It was a nice day. It was sunny, but not too sunny. Perfect temperature.

Once you arrived at a good location, Jonathan instructed you on poses. He moved around to get different angles. You blushed slightly, knowing how intently he was looking at you. You loved how he looked when he was focused and taking pictures.

Jonathon's POV:
As I took pictures of (Y/n), I couldn't help but be amazed by him. He was born for the camera. I knew they would be an amazing actor. He was beautiful. His eyes gleamed brightly in the sunlight.

I tried not to be too distracted and continue to take pictures. The more I took, the more I realized how strong my feelings were for (Y/n). He was amazing in every way. We had been best friends for so long. I adored his personality and just being around him made me feel better.

I could never tell him, though. He wouldn't feel the same way and it would be awkward between us. Plus, I'm likely not his type. His type is probably girls. I couldn't loose him, so I wouldn't tell him. He the only friend I had and I didn't want to ruin what we already had because I wanted more.

(Y/n)'s POV:
Jonathan seemed to be... blushing? That was odd. You ignored it. He suggested you change area, so you walked around and found lots of places and took lots of pictures. He seemed to be acting a bit strange.

When you were done, you went back to his car and before he could start driving, you asked him why he was acting different than usual.

"What? I'm not..." He responded.

"Yeah, you are. You've been acting more awkward than usual," you argued.

"I... It doesn't matter. Don't worry about it," Jonathan assured you.

"Johnathon, you can tell me anything. You know that, right?" You said.

"Yeah. I know. There's nothing to tell," Jonathan lied.

"Just tell me. It's okay. I won't judge you or anything."

"It'll make things weird..."

"No, it won't. I promise."

"Fine. I... I'm in love with you."

There was a pause.

"See, I told you it would be weird. I'm sorry-" Jonathan started. You leaned over and interrupted him with a kiss. He was surprised, but went along with it.

You pulled away.

"Not weird," you said. "I feel the same way."

"I didn't think..." Jonathan started.

"Yeah, I didn't think you would feel that way about me either. I'm glad you do, though."

There was a moment of awkward silence before you decided to ask.

"Uhm... Do you wanna... Do you wanna hang out tomorrow night?"

"Like a date?" Jonathan asked.

"Y-yeah. If you want..."

"Yeah. That sounds good," Jonathan said with a smile. You smiled back.

"Great. I should get home now."

"Oh, yeah, of course."

el end.

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