Before the fire

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         Valerie Pov

I woke up this morning in a rush, I was almost late to my date with Kai(Senpai), I sure hope he doesn't think I'm standing him up! I ended up arriving on time. "He's so cute,sweet and nice, I could never think of a life with anyone else. I think he's the one. WAIT,what am I saying I bet he doesn't feel the same I should stop getting my hopes up. "Valerie-Valerie are you ok?" I turn my head to see Kai staring at me ah yes I'm ok I just spaced I'm sorry! "No no it's ok" Are you sure, I promise I usually don't space out like this! "It's ok, you look really cute when you do, I hope that doesn't sound weird". I started burning up red I don't know if I was flustered or embarrassed. He has the most softest smile he would never hurt anyone, how did I get so lucky, how did I find someone like him I don't think I deserve this great of a person...
It started getting late,and it also started raining. I got the weird feeling I was being watched, but all that negativity goes away when he's where with me. He drove me back home and we parted ways. I unlocked the door my parents weren't home, probably out. I went to go look at my phone seeing my phone has been blown up by Megan rambling about Kyran. She can be crazy crazy sometimes but she is still my best friend. I went upstairs and took a shower when I finished I messaged Kai seeing when we would be able to meet up again he said we would meet in a few days! I smiled at my phone so hard I love spending time with him! I got that weird feeling again like I was being watched I brushed it off tho and went to get something to eat. I still couldn't stop thinking about Senpai, he called me cute ahhhh, he's amazing I want to spend my life with him. Ever since we started dating I've fell more and more in love with him like he's now a core part in my life. He's so shy but sweet he understands me I couldn't ask for anyone better... Anyway I should get back to bed, I'll say goodnight to Megan I'll fall asleep on a call with her like everyday she said she's scared for some reason. We'll time for bed!

To be continued!!!

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