Chapter 2

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*after school*

I hide in the music room until everyone is gone. I didn't want to be beat with everyone watching. That would be embarrassing and make me look weak. Thank God Mary stayed with me. She had to drive me home but I wanted her there with me too.

After everyone is gone we walk outside. There's the jocks standing by the quarter back's red convertible.

"Breathe Haylee. breathe." I tell myself.
"Hey there she is. Our punching bag. Let's go guys practice time." Says #22

They push me to the ground. One punches my face hitting my eye. Another kicks my side. I cringe with pain. The beating continues for about 30 minutes.

*after beating*

Everything I see is black and blue. I see Mary running towards me. I get up and she drives me home.

*at home*

"Oh my gosh! What happened?!?" Asked Cam as soon as I got in the door.

"It's Thursday." I replied.

"So what if it's Thursday!?! WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?!? He said gritting his teeth.

-sigh- "Every Thursday is beating day." I said looking at my blue vans that now had black toes.

"WHO DID THIS TO YOU!?!? TELL ME! He practically yelled.

"The-the jocks." I wailed crying into his shirt.

-sigh- "Of course. Come on. Let's get you cleaned up." He said picking me up and carrying me upstairs.

*30 minutes later*

"Cam. It hurts." I sniffled.

"Yeah. They hit you pretty hard in the side." He said concerned

"No doctor visit though right?" I asked.

"I don't think so. I'm pretty sure nothing is broken." He said looking at my black eye.

I cringe when he touch my face. His hands were cold and he touched my face like my mom used to. I haven't seen her in months-I've been staying with Cam.

"Haylee." He said.

"Yeah?" I asked

"You're moving schools. You're gonna go to a new school a couple blocks from the house." He said with a straight face.

"What?!? NO! That's not fair!! I said standing up from the sink.

"I don't care. You're moving schools." He said and walked out of the bathroom.

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