2 : do you have 500 won?

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"Hey, are you Taehun Seong?", the man with the gray shirt asked, aggression clearly laced in his voice. "My friend told me you said he should bring his friends, so here I am a**hole. No one gets away with beating my friend up..."

Taehun has caused fights before? Actually, now thinking about it, it's not that unexpected.

Taehun reacted so quickly, that again, you almost missed his attack entirely. The only thing you saw was a flash, and the grey shirt guy's friend flying across the pavement.

Gray shirt didn't react, but only asked a question, "Is that taekwondo?"

"Hey. Do you have 500 won? I wanna go to the arcade", Taehun asked. His expression was full of malice and screamed "predator", even you were scared of what he would do.

"Are you seriously being cocky now just 'cause you know a martial art?", gray shirt jeered.

"Careful, Panhyeok!", his friend warned. "That a**hole is a pro athelete!"

"Pro athlete my a**, hahaha", Panhyeok laughed. "Can't call him a pro athlete when he's already been cut. And it doesn't count when it's a flashy and useless sport like taekwondo. How can you say taekwondo is a martial art when you can't even grapple? Taekwondo's just glorified dancing with high kicks, haha"

Taehun might actually kill him if I don't do something.

You touched Taehun's shoulder hesitantly, "Taehun, don't do anything-"

Panhyeok suddenly charged at Taehun, who pushed you out of the way.

"All you gotta do is grab him then take him down... then you win!", Panhyeok asserted throwing a punch.

Taehun swerved around him with impossible speed and kicked his face. Pahnyeok tried to raise his arms to block his next attack, but Taehun switched his legs and propelled instead. It was a brutal beatdown, but you slightly thought it was deserved.

Panhyeok started apologizing for going after him, but Taehun turned to the person behind him, "Have you got 500 won?"

"Yeah... I do... I'll give you 500 won", Panhyeok gasped out, seemingly glad that Taehun had stopped hitting him momentarily. 

"I wasn't talking to you", Taehun said. He looked at the guy with the cast. "I said do you have 500 won?"

Cast guy looked scared and nervous. "Y-yeah.. I have 500 won. I'll give you 500 won, so let's call it a day, ok!?", he stammered out. "I'm sorry! I'll make sure you never see me again..."

And in a flash, Taehun disappeared and appeared back to Panhyeok knocking the man in the jaw. He looked back at the cast guy who was scrambling for coins in his pockets, "Hey. Do you have 50,000 won (43 usd)? I wanna go to the arcade"

"Y-yeah! I'll give 50,000 won. So please-"

Taehun kicked Panhyeok again, "Do you have 5 million won? I wanna go to the arcade...

Hey, your friend won't give me 5 million won"

"I'm... I'm s-sorry"

In the midst of the fight, you saw something move in the corner of your eye, but when you looked, nothing was there.

"Hey Taehun", you called hoping that he would stop. 

And he did, "What?"

"I think... I think there's someone watching you. Over there", you pointed at the building 20 feet away.


You didn't know what to say. Two boys you nor Taehun had ever seen before were caught filming him. Or well, one actually, but he called his friend.

"That girl turned to look at me while I was filming", the yellow-head whispered to his friend. It was still loud enough for you to hear though.

"Haha, really?", brown-hair chuckled without any humor in his voice, glancing at you with awareness.

Yellow-head nudged him, "I guess I'll have to be careful from now on"

"Haha, yeah. It's good to see you working independently on your own", brown-hair agreed. "And giving me progress reports and all that... but be more careful next time. Snapper, you son of a b*tch. Why'd you call me when you got caught?"

Taehun smiled, "So why were you... filming me?"

"Snapper" made an attempt to grin, "Oh, I just thought your taekwondo moves looked really cool..."

"Oh, really?"

Suddenly someone else's voice shouted, "What's going on here?! Who in the world kidnapped my boys?! I'll tell you what, you're dead-"

It was a pretty girl in a yellow jacket. She had wide brown eyes and straight cut short hair. She stopped when she saw Taehun, and then flushed in embarrassment, kicking a rock that was nearby, "Oh... so he's a bully, huh. G-gosh darn it..."

Taehun isn't a bully. Well- actually, he might be... But he's not that bad once you get to know him.

Now the three were leaning up against the wall, whispering to each other while Taehun loomed over them menacingly.

"So let me get this straight", Taehun interrupted their talk. "You guys just wanted to film me, huh?"

They nodded.

"Yeah that's exactly it"

"We'll delete that video right away. Can we go now?"

"That's right"

Taehun scoffed, "I don't care if you delete it or not. But you guys are behind the Viral Hit NewTube channel, right?"

He grinned, "Aren't you the kids who want to fight me? A lot of people told me about your channel after you said so on your stream. I heard you got all rich after you calling people out"

"W-what", Snapper stuttered.

Taehun leaned down to their level, like an eagle sizing up their prey, "Hey. Give me your NewTube channel"

"What... huh?"

Then he kicked Snapper, sending him flying back.

"I want your NewTube channel", Taehun smirked. "Hey V-hit. Do you have 500 won?"


You glanced at Taehun, who was currently playing some arcade game.

Earlier, he had beaten the 3 people, who you learned was Hobin, Snapper, and Eul, so badly, that one was hospitalized and that Hobin had given him his NewTube channel.

Somehow, you had managed to convince him to leave them alone and now the two of you were back at the arcade. Yet after all of that, you still believed Taehun was a good person. Just a bit... insane.

You slotted the coin in the machine that was right next to his, and started playing against an npc for a while. The silence continued until you heard the "You Lost" play on Taehun's screen. As someone who played the same game against him many times, you knew it was hard to beat him, no matter what you did. Who could be skilled enough to win?

Suddenly, you heard a familiar voice, "Taekwondo's pretty easy to beat"

Taehun stood up and so did you. You decided it was your job to prevent him from over excessive violence, plus he didn't seem to mind you for some reason.

You heard Taehun speak before you got to see who had beaten him, "Are you out of your f*cking mind?"

Since he was taller than you, you being 5'5, you had no choice but to walk beside him to see who it was. Immediately, you recognized the man. Hobin.

He glared right back at Taehun, which must've took guts, "I came to give you my NewTube channel"

"Haha really?", Taehun chuckled. "Then give me your password-"

Hobin interrupted, "But I'm not gonna give it to you now... I'll give it to you if you beat one-on-one fight in a month's time"

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