9. The Absurd Circus

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Marlene's eyebrows furrowed and she finally asked, "Do I know you?"

"Not yet, but I'd bet you'd like to," he laughed. No fucking wonder. Swedish accent. "William Fransson." His beautiful hand took Marlene's and he placed a kiss to the back of her hand. His lips were smoother than clouds. William smiled at the effect he was having on Marlene. "And you, my angel?"

"Marlene." Her name came out in a very high-pitched tone. William smiled. Marlene couldn't help but smile back at his infectious smile. 

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman," he purred. A knot tied in Marlene's stomach as her heart began to beat faster. This is wrong, this is so wrong. "What is a lady such as you doing in a place like this?"

"I could ask you the same question," she replied, regaining her confident exterior. William smiled, then ran his fingers though his thick brown locks. He held his glass with the hand he used to hold Marlene. A lump came to her throat that she tried to push down. What the fuck is going on, she thought.

"Jan Axel invited me," William answered curtly. Marlene stuttered her nod. "We were about to go smoke up, but you're much too interesting to pass on." Marlene had stars in her eyes. William smiled. "I couldn't live with myself if I passed and returned, only for you to be taken."

Oystein, Oystein, Oystein. It was like a chant that only grew louder. Marlene sighed heavily, placing her beer bottle on the coffee table in front of them. William sat up with her, exactly in sync. 

"I'm already taken," Marlene told him. William's smile faltered for a second, but he sipped his liquid courage.

"Who's the lucky one?"

It took Marlene a second, but she spotted Oystein in the crowd. He was staring at her adamantly, with a testing look that bordered on angry. Marlene raised her finger to point to her beautiful, black haired boyfriend. "Him."

"Ah, the guitar player," William chuckled lowly. Marlene nodded quickly, returning her attention to the living work of art. She could admire others, while still being faithful to Oystein. You can look at the menu without ordering. "Well, would he be upset if I brought you a drink?"

"Only if it's something shitty like Swamp Water," she joked. William laughed lightly, making Marlene smile softly. Jorn and Jan had been mixing Swamp Water in the kitchen; which was just every booze you could get your paws on and a bottle of ginger ale. 

He stood up, long legs stretching out. He was easily half a foot taller than Marlene. William extended his hand to Marlene, which she hesitantly took, eyes returning to Oystein. Oystein's eyes were on fire. Marlene squeezed William's hand. His beautiful, warm, soft and large hand that fit so perfectly with hers.

"I'm sorry but-"

"Don't worry, Angel," William said quickly. He smiled down at Marlene, whose face was still flushed scarlet and whose hand was still in William's. "I understand. Jealousy is a human emotion. Would he be shooting me that look if he didn't care about you?"

With his statement, Marlene looked over at Oystein with a sour look on his face, totally ignoring the conversation around him to stare at his girlfriend and the audaciously handsome Swed. A smile drew across Marlene's face as she realized William was in fact right; Oystein did care about her.

"Thank you," Marlene squeaked. 

"Would he be offended if I asked for your friendship?" He asked in a whisper. Marlene's skin grew goosebumps. She didn't know if the adrenaline in her veins was the excitement from catching the eye of such a man, the prospect of being 'friends' with him, or if it was her body trying to push away and be with Oystein. It was confusing, but she loved the feeling.

Marlene felt undeniably alive, in a way she hadn't in many moons. She was strong enough to not fall under the Swed's spell, she'd be strong enough to remain faithful to Oystein. Being friends with a man wasn't a crime. Oystein had no problem with Ginger, why would he have a problem with William? He knew Marlene swung both ways.

Finally, Marlene's smile deepened as she looked into William's gorgeous, effervescent eyes. She squeezed his hand again then dropped it. "Friends, then. I'll talk to Jan to put us in contact." William smiled back and bowed his head, a tendril of his perfectly gelled hair fell to his face. Marlene bit her cheek, looking over at Oystein. "Till then."

Before he could sweep her into something to deepen her feeling, Marlene rushed off to Oystein. Guilt washed over her. What in Christ's name just happened? What was that? Oystein must be feeling horrible. Way worse than Marlene, though she felt like throwing up all those butterflies in her stomach, causing a lump in her throat and a small headache.

She flung herself into Oystein's arms, despite him being in a circle of friends. Oystein was frozen for a minute, no doubt debating within him. Eventually, he put his arms around his girlfriend and kissed the top of her head.

"So, you do have self-control," Oystein joked. By God, was that ever the worst time to say something so far past stupid like that. Shit, Marlene had maybe half a sliver of self-control left and Oystein making stupid ass comments like that dwindled it. 

"I need a beer."

Her mind couldn't stop comparing the two. Marlene couldn't be touching Oystein right now, it felt so wrong compared to William. It would fade, surely, but she just needed to work it off. But how the fuck do you go back to water after having tried Ambrosia? Water would keep you alive, but Ambrosia...well, it's Ambrosia.

At midnight, her kiss was a solid and passionate liplock with Oystein. Marlene found that after 16 shots, William seemed to fade in the background, especially while tucked under Oystein's arm all night. 

1989 would be quite the eventful year for Marlene, unfortunately, yet extremely fortunately.

Imagine Bill Skarsgard for William

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