Nyx's birthday

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NOTE: All characters belong to the great Sarah J Mass. I take no credit 💕

It has been one year since Nyx was born. One year since the she had been given the greatest gift of her life. Today Rhys and Feyre had planned to take Nyx out for the day and bring him home at night for his birthday celebration. Although he might never remember, their family had planned a grand birthday celebration at the River house. Walking across the Rainbow with Rhys and Nyx in his arms felt like a dream. The first few months after his birth were tiring. Feyre and Rhys spent most of their time with Nyx. After having one more death experience, not just to their lives but the stillborn baby that Nyx bad been scared them to their deaths. Feyre and Rhys couldn't let go of him. It all felt like a dream and one day she would wake up and feel that her son wasn't living or Rhys was dead. These thoughts always plagued her. She tried her best to remind herself that this was real, this beautiful gift will be there with her for as long as she lived. Nyx had been a calm boy. Oh he made life a living hell when he was hungry or when his nappies weren't changed soon. Apart from that he was was very calm and giggly mess when Rhys or Cassian made all sorts of funny faces. He was an observing child. Everything new thing or shiny objects caught his interest. Ameen had a smirk on her face all the time when he was all caught up in trying to grab her ruby necklace. Rhys was always patient with him. Considering he has had a little sister of his own, she shouldn't have been surprised he was good with babies. He took care of nyx most of the time knowing Feyre has never lived with a baby before. He held him at night, sang lullabies to him (which came as a surprise to her  as she had never heard him sing), changed him time to time, dressed him 3 times a day (using the heaps of clothes that mor had bought for Nyx), soothed him with his stars(a thing that made Nyx stop crying), all in all, he was completely wrapped around Nyx's little finger. Nyx absolutely adored the animals Feyre made with water, all the bubbles in the bath courtesy of summer court magic, the wind she sent towards him to sooth him. She loved everything about him; his bulk of black hair, chubby cheeks (thanks to the amount of feeding he required until 8 months), his lovely white skin, his beautiful wings and all of him. She had cried when he had started crawling at 7 months and tried standing when he just a month back. He was loved by everyone. Mor bought him so many clothes (some of which she had made herself when she was young for Rhysand's child), toys, blankets with full of stars (without which he would throw a crying fit, Elain baby sat him often when Rhys and Nyx were tired, she made some nice baby dishes for him now that he could be given some food, Nesta was still weary around us but she loved Ngx and dotted on him, Azriels shadows intrigued him completely and Cassian always made him laugh by making funny faces, Amren usually didn't hold him but the small number of times she had seen her carrying the baby she had a small smile on her face, not that any of them had commented on that.

Walking in the artist quarter of Velaris, she could see her son seeing everything from where he was held in Rhys' arms. All the people were stopping by and congratulating them on Nyx's birthday. After Nyx's birth her mother instinct were very high. She would usually keep Nyx tucked under a blanket but today the people deserved to see their heir. Although she had asked Rhys to put a glamour on Nyx so that people would remember completely how he looked. She had been anxious all the time they were out. Rhys had assured her and placed a glamour on nyx so that people would remember him but couldn't be able to tell the exact details of his looks.

They finally reached the place where music was being played. It was such a happy music. Full of life. Nyx was completely drawn by it so they stood in front of the musician. The male bowed his head to us in greeting and smiled as he saw Nyx. He was completely drawn by the music. He wiggles in Rhys' arms and started jumping and clapping his hands. Rhys let out a joyous laugh and set him in front of the musician. Nyx now had started wriggling his hips and clapping his hands. He looked so happy and so live that she had forgotten all her worries and started smiling too.
'Looks like our son is a music lover' she said to Rhys who was completely awed and elated.
He let out a chuckle and said as he kept a hand on Nyx's back 'Indeed, Nesta will be thrilled '
Indeed she will be.
They let Nyx enjoy sometime and walked to the Painters part. Nyx was used to the smell of paint but here it was full blown he had started sneezing making Rhys to transform into his mother when mode. Feyre let out a small laugh and told him that it was time to leave the Rainbow.
They walked across the Sidra as the sun was setting, the sparkling water looked like diamonds, and the sky had turned into a full of colours of pink,purple, orange, red and blues.
Rhys windowed them to the River house after some time, Nyx far too used to the feeling.
She changed him into his best clothes, which unsurprisingly Rhys had chosen black with grey embroidery and black pants and his glossy black shoes. He truly looked like he was the heir of Night court. She place nyx on their bed as she went to the bathroom to get ready. She had opted for a plain blue gown, which fit her perfectly. It was simple and sleeveless with halter neckline and backless. She curled her hair in simple waves and kept it down, swiped a layer of kohl on her waterline and her lips were coated in scarlet red lipstick. When she was done, she found Rhys dressed too. He was twinning with Nyx. As she came out she saw him shamelessly trailing his eyes from top to bottom on the work she had done. She smirked at reached for him.
'You look ravishing Feyre darling'  he purred
Her cheeks flushed a little as she said 'so do you're with a wink.
He chuckled and held Nyx in his one arm and held another for me. Together we went downstairs where everyone was gathered. As soon as we came downstairs a chorus of "happy birthday" sounded. Rhys smiled and Nyx, who apparently had no idea they were their to celebrate his birthday just giggle at the attention he was getting. He was soon passed into Mor's hand who gave him a smacking kiss and passed him to Cassian's arms who grabbed him and started tickling him and threw him in the air and grabbed him as soon as he came down, completely ignoring Feyre's glare and saying "Don't worry, I won't drop him". Rhys was watching everyone, a smile played on his lips. Cassian passed Nyx to Nesta and Elain who was sitting together on the couch, both placed a kiss on top of his head as Azriel kissed his cheek and held him in his arms. They all settled after sometime, now that all of them had held Nyx and he was back in Feyre's lap.

The dinning room was decorated in full of balloons, small fae lights hanging on the ceiling, ribbons of purple and grey flying on the walls, a large round cake in the middle of the table which was surrounded by all sorts of food. It looked absolutely stunning. Everyone gathered around the table as Feyre and Rhys with Nyx came towards the large cake. Feyre place a small cake knife in Nyx's hand and covered it with her own and Rhys' and they together cut the cake as everyone sang a birthday song. The moment was so precious and joyous that feyre had tears in her eyes. Rhys ofcourse notice and sent a soothing and loving caress across the bond.

Soon everyone dug in the food which Rhys had requested Sevenda to send to the house.
And then the time came for presents.
Cassian had given him a charmed stone that flown in the night, bright enough to see in the dark without harming the eyes, Nesta had given a musical box that played sof music and lullabies, Elain had given a brass ankle that would keep him calm, Mor had presented him with an orb of night sky, Amren had given him brooch that was designed as his wings, Azriel had gotten him a pack of children's story books, Rhys had bought a projector that would make the entire ceiling of his room look like night sky and she had given him a collection of his paintings since he was born.
They all talked, laughed, banged and laughed together that night.
As the night dragged on, Feyre carried Nyx to his room, changed him into his night clothes .
She placed him in his crib with a kiss on his forehead as she whispered 'Goodnight my little star's' and left his room

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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