Chapter 2: outings

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[Safe House}


I sat on my bed feeling guilty. The T.V was going on and on about how I've been sighted near a gas station in New Jersey.

"Six months ago, in a small town in New Jersey, Westview was under the control of Avenger Wanda Maximoff. Still today the town is under top security, we will inform you of more as things loosen up." A news reporter said to the camera.

The T.V switch to the Good Morning America crew. One of them opened their mouth but the T.V went black.

I glanced at the door. Bucky was standing by  my dresser, with the T.V remote in his hand.

I sighed as I looked down at my ringed hands. "Turn it back on, they were just getting good." I told him.

"I don't think was going to get good anytime soon, Wanda." He told me simply.

I knew that. Nothing good is ever on the news now.

"It's my fault." I started. I could already feel the tears welling up. "It's my fault, I caused this. I put them through my pain, my grief. I did was best for me and I ended up hurting them. I didn't even know what was happening."

Bucky moved in front of me and knelt down before me, blocking my view and leaving me with no choice but to look at him.

"It's not your fault, you were in pain. As you said, you didn't know what you were doing. What ever happened, it's over now." He told me, his eyes are filled with sympathy.

He took his hand in mine. His thumb ran over the back of my hand.

"Thank you, James."

He smiled and stayed in front of me.



I found Sam in an airport garage. "Hey! Why'd you give up the shield?" My voice was raised with anger. For multiple reasons, but this was a question I have been dying to ask Sam since I saw him again.

Sam was walking down the stairs. "Nice to see you too, Buck." His voice is dripping with sarcasm.

"This is wrong." I told him.

I didn't know what I mean by that, all I know is that I'm angry and Wanda is hurting and Sam gave up the last big thing of Steve's.

Sam's energy changed in just the slightest as he tried to not argue with me. "Hey, hey, look, I'm trying here, all right? So all this outrage you have is gonna have to wait." Sam was obviously trying not to fight with me.

"Sorry. Did you know?" I ask.

He turned to me. "Did I know what?"

I rolled my eyes at Sam's stupidity. "About Wanda. You two have known each other longer than I have." I tell him, trying to shed some light on her situation.

"What about Wanda?"

"So you don't know. She took a town hostage, Sam. She claims she doesn't know how it happened." I was growing frustrated.

Sam sighed. He didn't say anything, he just looked defeated. In all honesty, I felt defeated too. There is nothing Sam and I could do to take back what Wanda did to WestView. Nothing. The most they could do now is be by her side.

I heard someone coming down the stairs. It was Wanda. She stopped right by us. She had a nonchalant look about her. Her ginger hair was pulled into a low ponytail. It looked like a mess, but a cute mess.

"Wanda." Sam said.

"Sam." She responded. A smile tugged at her lips.

I saw a couple people staring. "It's her. The Scarlet Witch." They whispered.

I gently pulled Wanda towards me. Two protective hands on her forearms, protecting her from the on lookers. "Let's get out of here." And with that we got on the government plane.

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