Letter Two

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          "Today I decided to visit home. I'm scared Andrius might get mad.. Or maybe lupical will ignore me. But I need to be there for myself, being with other humans doesn't feel right yet, and I think I might feel better. When I was walking home I saw a red girl blowing up fish in the water. I decided to mind my business but she saw me and called me "Wolf Boy". She told me she knew me from others, I wasn't surprised I heard people talking about me as well. But she told her name was Klee and that she wanted me to take her to see the wolves. I just nodded and asked her what she was doing and she said she was blowing up fish. She was strange but seemed fun, but also destructive. I think I will talk to her again. 

          When I got home I walked up to where the den was but someone yelped. When I walked over it was Bennett a couple of the pups had jumped on him. I told him they just wanted to play and he calmed down but the rest up the pack came. They steered their pups away and didn't look very happy with me. I got upset but Benny cheered me up, I'm not sure if he knew he did but he makes me happy. He told me I saved him even though I explained to him that he wasn't in danger. We walked home together and Bennett rambled a lot, I wasn't really paying attention I just liked listening to his voice. 

          When we arrived at the gates my stomach grumbled loudly, and Bennett offered to get lunch, he's very nice. We got lunch together and it was good I ate a lot and Bennett talked, he talked a lot but it was nice. I went with him to the adventurers guild, he talked to Kathrine for a bit. After Bennett said he would walk me back home and he talked about how Kathrine only kept his team because she felt bad. But then he asked me if I wanted to join his adventure team when I said yes he got very happy. I'm glad I joined Benny's team, I like being around him he makes me feel more at home. I'm also exited to go adventuring with Bennett, I don't know what it would be like but if Bennett is happy then I am too." 

my letters to youNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ